and what's your $ limit?
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What book are you most interested in purchasing?
Nothing special, just a conclusion to my favorite fantasy series. A Memory of Light by Robert Jordon / Brandon Sanderson. Email: [email protected]
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Good call Dan!!! I stopped reading the series after Crown of Swords because I was starting to forget the massive cast of characters. I will do a re-read some day after MoL comes out. I was lucky enough to meet Robert Jordan a few times along the years. I have the series all in first edition/first printing which I bought myself as they came out. Great stuff in the first 7 volumes. I'd hear a few of the later ones were hit or miss, but I'm sure it will be worth it when it's done. Assuming you haven't read George Martin's Ice and Fire books yet, you REALLY need to read them!!
Crossroads of Twilight was a bit slow, but on the other hand Winter's Heart was I think probably the best of the whole series.CD Email: [email protected]
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Originally posted by bsaenz24 View PostAssuming you haven't read George Martin's Ice and Fire books yet, you REALLY need to read them!!
Seriously, the first came out in 1996, and this year we'll be seeing part V. There's no way I'll begin reading this series before it's done - with each new book I'd have to start all over again, like I did with King's Dark Tower books.
I collect the UK editions, and hate the fact that the first three hardcovers had a uniform look, but A Feast For Crowns (IV) fiffers completely.
I am really looking forwards to reading this series - if it will ever get finished....
I haven't read the last two Martin books yet, but A GAME OF THRONES was one of the best fantasy books I've read in a long time. Right now, I' looking forward to the final installment of Donaldson's Last Chronicles of Thomas Covenant. And of course anything from Stephen King."I'm a vegan. "
---Kirby Bliss Blanton , The Green Inferno (2013)
Originally posted by srboone View PostRight now, I' looking forward to the final installment of Donaldson's Last Chronicles of Thomas Covenant.
I've read the first two trilogies when they first came out and have bought the three books of the third series faithfully. Two more years to go....
Of course this means I'll have to re-read the first six books before I can start The Last Chronicles.
Donaldson is one amazing author.
He's practically the only author who still gets me to go to the dictionary. (I'm Dutch and read his books in the English language.)
Originally posted by njhorror View Postand what's your $ limit?
It's not that I'm a millionaire or anything -I'm just a highschool teacher who makes a decent enough living- but if I want a book, I'll go for it, regardless the €€€.
The Funny thing is, without even hesitating I can order a book for hundreds of dollars/euros, but when it comes down to the essentials -clothes, whatever- I have a hard time dishing out...
skLast edited by frik51; 05-14-2011, 02:45 PM.
Hey NJ, what a great topic/thread,
My collecting has historically been all over the map. There really are no limits except for the usual economic "downturn(s)" and the occasional need to pull myself back a bit, lol. I feel my collecting has evolved over the years. My library has transmogrified over the years but my "core" collection rarely mutates... I currently have a complete set of Ash Tree, Midnight House, Sarob, GSP, Ex Occidente to date (although there are some unique issues with this press and how its changed it's mission, etc.... another topic maybe), most all Tartarus Press, Side Real, Haunted Library. My Core Library will always include Cemetery Dance and Subterranian Press (I am always constantly amazed at the editorial consistency of high quality authors and titles these presses put out. Its like they read my mind or something - whenever I think "gee, this or that would be great to have in a limited edition format - POOF, all of a sudden "this or that" are announced for publication - amazing). I still buy the very occasional Delirum, Nightshade or Bloodletting although I want to state this here - I am truly intriqued by what Larry and Joshi are doing with the Arcane Wisdom imprint (the first two books were "different" with respect to bookcraft but they seem to be back on track and look great on the shelf together - the the content is what I am really into these days). Lots of Charnel House, Scream Press, Underwood Miller, Arkham House, Camelot Books (although infrequently produced, these books hold a standard of consistent, unremittingly wonderful quality - the lettereds really need to be seen to be appreciated - also they incorporate many of the classic elements of bookmaking which I love). Earthling (like Camelot, infrequent but unsurpassed in quality - more please), Donald Grant, Mythos Books, some Gauntlet, Hippocampus Press, Centipede Press (especially Masters of the Weird Tale and their non-fiction offerings - expensive but usually worth every penny), The Battered Silicon Dispatch Box Press, Durtro, NESFA, B.E. Trice, some Necro, Haffner, Dark Harvest, Golden Gryphon Press, PS Publishing (looking forward to their classic pre-code comics set(s) coming soon... and the "Not at Night" spin-off series edited by the insurpressable Mr. Jones), etc, etc.. I know I left off lots and there are tons of one offs and really great books done by presses that are no more so the above is just a sampling really. I usually won't buy the lettered of a given title unless it's an author I've seriously been collecting and / or the lettered has additional prose not in any other edition, etc.. The sheer quality of a lettered edition will rarely dictate automatic purchase but it is always cool to see what's been done. Over the years I've needed to purge and willow my collection down. I just have too many books as I'm sure many of us can relate to. Never enough time for the actual reading. BTW, I'd like to show my library pics here soon but it always seems too much, lol. Keep collecting!
Originally posted by frik51 View PostOf course this means I'll have to re-read the first six books before I can start The Last
And I'm not certain what my limit is on a single book. The most I've ever paid for one is $600 for a facimile of the Kelmscott Chaucer. But I did pay an average of $125 per for the last five volumes of Michael Moorcock's Eternal Champion sequence. And even more for the remarqued editon of The Passage. I'm definitely not a millionaire. But being single helps..."I'm a vegan. "
---Kirby Bliss Blanton , The Green Inferno (2013)
Usually I am on the lookout for fairly inexpensive limited editions. On Cemetery Dance, I tend to gravitate towards the books that are in the 30 to 40 dollar range as that is a cheap way to build up my limited edition collection, and also to test out authors I am not that familiar with.
There are a lot of expensive volumes that I've coveted for a while, and when I put a little money away, I'll try to go after some of my favorite authors. I'd be ecstatic if I could purchase off the secondary market a signed CD edition of any King book, preferably Secretary of Dreams.
Off hand, I'm not even sure of any other limited edition presses that specialize in horror. If I come across any, I'm sure I would look to branch out there too."Phnglui mglw nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah nagl fhtagn!"
Originally posted by the_last_gunslinger View PostOff hand, I'm not even sure of any other limited edition presses that specialize in horror. If I come across any, I'm sure I would look to branch out there too.
Oh, and I think all their limited editions come will ribbon page markers, though I cannot say that with 100% certainty. I do know their limited editions tend to be $40-50 each and limited to 100 copies, and then slipcased versions limited to 26 copies for around $99Last edited by RJK1981; 05-15-2011, 06:24 PM.WARNING!!! WARNING!!! DO NOT VIEW THIS SPOILER! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!!
Spoiler!This is a testSpoiler!only a testSpoiler!SeriouslySpoiler!Ok, fineSpoiler!It's more than thatSpoiler!Or maybe it really is just a testSpoiler!to see how farSpoiler!you are willing to goSpoiler!to see what I say at the endSpoiler!of this very longSpoiler!and pointless signatureSpoiler!you must really want to knowSpoiler!what is so importantSpoiler!that I had toSpoiler!bury itSpoiler!in all these spoiler tagsSpoiler!Nosy little fucker, aren't you?