My copy from the Mysterious Bookshop- ordered the day Ron posted about here- was "fulfilled" on June 15, after an understandable Covid delay. I had also placed an order at the same time with Strand bookstore, but they cancelled the order soon after Covid hit. I recently got an email from them saying that they now have signed copies, in case I wanted to reorder. So, if you have any issues with your MP order (they look sold out online), try Strand. i haven't read the book yet, but reviews have been pretty brutal. Also, De Palma's signature is pretty rough. Hard to tell it's even him. I don't know what I was expecting, but.. just FYI.
Thanks. I did get a reply from TMB today apologizing for not sending the book, and they said they would send it out immediately. I guess I'll read it before checking the reviews
i haven't read the book yet, but reviews have been pretty brutal.
The reviews scared me away; I skipped this one.
Interestingly, the Paperback Warrior podcast from yesterday (9/7) focuses on Hard Case Crime, and Tom, one of the duo, indicated that while he likes their editorial choices for vintage reprints, he feels their choices for their modern, original fiction releases leaves a lot to be desired. I'd be hardpressed to disagree.
Wow, it's gorgeous. I really wanted to have this reading. But because of the pandemic, we didn't get a delivery. Deliveries at international level was interested but in stores we already did not find this work. To great joy not long ago she started delivering again and I was able to read too. Do not hesitate for a second is one of the works that I liked the most, the more it managed to mark me in what keeps my personal life. Do not forget that now you can really make orders and deliveries, which must be taken advantage of