Warning: The following illustrations may offend. MHB Press (Grease Monkey) Enjoy!!
One thing I have found with MHB Press / Hard Gore Press is that they pride themselves on their artwork. Take a look at Grease Monkey And Other Tales Of Erotic Horror by Graham Masterton. Enjoy!!
I like my bouboir art - a little more on the non-gory side,its is a shame in image two to see a beautful drawing of the female figure birthing a ALIEN chest burster. I'd rather,in this case have to be subjected as in "Dreamcatcher"-to read about copra-wesels bursting out the back door-than actually see it. O.K. having said that-The Quality of the drawing technique,pencil,or lithography is top notch,- Still i like my Sax and Violyns separate ,with some personal TNI "role play. These works have no "Safety Word."
The illustrations are not everyones cup of tea but the quality is FANTASTIC!. There is no doubt how much talent the artist has and the illustrations go hand in hand with the stories, the artist hit the nail on the head..
I like my bouboir art - a little more on the non-gory side,its is a shame in image two to see a beautful drawing of the female figure birthing a ALIEN chest burster. I'd rather,in this case have to be subjected as in "Dreamcatcher"-to read about copra-wesels bursting out the back door-than actually see it. O.K. having said that-The Quality of the drawing technique,pencil,or lithography is top notch,- Still i like my Sax and Violyns separate ,with some personal TNI "role play. These works have no "Safety Word."
Ha! The alien chest burster as you say, goes perfect with the story "Son Of Beast" It's my favorite story from the collection...