Originally posted by jeffingoff
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Signed Thomas Harris book for under $20...? Yes, please!
Originally posted by Martin View PostPlease read it and form your own opinion. Not a great read but you may think otherwise. I still can't figure out how you can hate on The Mailman so maybe you will love this one.
I will read Cari Mora next. I'm currently re-reading THE TOMMYKNOCKERS and I really like it.
Nothing to see here!Ok, I really can't come up with anymore of these stupid things...
- May 2011
- 8816
Originally posted by jeffingoff View PostGAHHHH! I ranted enough on Goodreads about that book. It was a fun review to write though. And the review was a better read than THE MAILMAN.
I will read Cari Mora next. I'm currently re-reading THE TOMMYKNOCKERS and I really like it.
Nothing to see here!Ok, I really can't come up with anymore of these stupid things...
- May 2011
- 8816
Originally posted by bsaenz24 View PostThe issue for me with the Harris book is that the story itself IS interesting and SHOULD be great, but the writing is so shallow, it’s like reading the Cliffs Notes extended version. Very shallow characters and very little depth of plot.
Originally posted by Martin View PostPlease read it and form your own opinion. Not a great read but you may think otherwise. I still can't figure out how you can hate on The Mailman so maybe you will love this one.
Originally posted by bookworm 1 View PostYes and remember you haven't met a Mallerman you have not liked while I've met one or two. Plus I thought that The Chalk Man was one of the best books from last year and you....not so much. So looking forward to seeing your thoughts on this one.
I'm looking forward to The Hiding Place. I have that on order from SubPress. I liked CJ's writing style quite a bit. And the beauty of The Hiding Place is that I have no expectations. I might actually like Cari Mora since my expectations are so "meh."
Nothing to see here!Ok, I really can't come up with anymore of these stupid things...
- May 2011
- 8816
Originally posted by jeffingoff View PostI think most of my issue with The Chalk Man was the comparison to IT. If I hadn't heard rumblings of IT, then maybe I could have enjoyed the story for what it was. But when expectations are set like that, it's hard to ignore the shadow such a great novel casts. The book HAVEN by Tom Deady was the same thing. That was compared to IT and Summer of Night in the coming-of-age horror tradition and I thought it just flat out bombed. I didn't even finish that one. Anyone want to buy a signed edition? I think I have number 60.
I'm looking forward to The Hiding Place. I have that on order from SubPress. I liked CJ's writing style quite a bit. And the beauty of The Hiding Place is that I have no expectations. I might actually like Cari Mora since my expectations are so "meh."
Originally posted by Ben Staad View PostCongrats, Martin! That is very cool.Brian James Freeman
Lividian Publications: http://www.Lividian.com
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