Originally posted by RonClinton
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Originally posted by jeffingoff View PostYeah, I know that those things are part of the DRP story, but I wasn't sure if that was enough to create the absolute chill people have towards DRP. Though I admit, that stuff is pretty damning and I don't know what DRP has done to rectify things. Has Chris ever answered those accusations or added his side to the story?Twitter: https://twitter.com/ron_clinton
Originally posted by RonClinton View PostWell, there's this:
...and especially this:
The horror community is a pretty small and insular one, and if one believes the charges leveled by Keene against DR are true, it can cast quite a pall on your view of their company and product.
First, regarding the podcasts that Ron linked to: unfortunately, Brian Keene paid Dark Regions Press back an advance that we paid him for a book he never delivered. We signed a contract with Keene in February of 2014, then a new contract addendum where we paid him the 2nd part of his advance to get the book based on a deadline that was missed by another year. After four years of what I interpreted as being led on with not a single word of the manuscript ever delivered, I told Brian we would like our advance paid back. Then, less than 90 days after paying us back, he creates a podcast illegally slandering me and Dark Regions Press, LLC. He used false information like stating we never paid Tom Piccirilli's wife royalties since Tom passed away which is 100% false and used this false information to paint a horrible picture of myself and Dark Regions Press. I've never listened to the podcasts myself, but I've heard that he cusses me out, says he wants to punch me in the face and reads private e-mails on-air. Is that professional behavior? I'll leave that up to you to decide.
Regarding the Kickstarter stuff: I hear you guys on this, it is confusing. We are doing this because we are committed to getting this campaign funded which supports several new projects like Transmissions from Punktown, Halloween Haunts Volume 1 and STRANDED: Lone Survivor Deserted Island Horror Stories. However, your feedback on this matter is hugely appreciated.
When it comes to the secondary market... I guess it depends on which books you look at. Clive Barker's The Midnight Meat Train Special Definitive Edition sells for a lot more than retail, same with our Lansdale hardcovers and many others.
Really appreciate the feedback in this thread.. but I wanted to correct the record especially on the podcast stuff. Thanks guys and let me know if I missed something.
Originally posted by Chris_Morey View PostWhen it comes to the secondary market... I guess it depends on which books you look at. Clive Barker's The Midnight Meat Train Special Definitive Edition sells for a lot more than retail, same with our Lansdale hardcovers and many others.
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Nothing to see here!Ok, I really can't come up with anymore of these stupid things...
- May 2011
- 8816
Originally posted by Chris_Morey View PostHey guys, I wanted to chime in here after reading this thread, and I'll address everything and will answer any questions you guys have.
First, regarding the podcasts that Ron linked to: unfortunately, Brian Keene paid Dark Regions Press back an advance that we paid him for a book he never delivered. We signed a contract with Keene in February of 2014, then a new contract addendum where we paid him the 2nd part of his advance to get the book based on a deadline that was missed by another year. After four years of what I interpreted as being led on with not a single word of the manuscript ever delivered, I told Brian we would like our advance paid back. Then, less than 90 days after paying us back, he creates a podcast illegally slandering me and Dark Regions Press, LLC. He used false information like stating we never paid Tom Piccirilli's wife royalties since Tom passed away which is 100% false and used this false information to paint a horrible picture of myself and Dark Regions Press. I've never listened to the podcasts myself, but I've heard that he cusses me out, says he wants to punch me in the face and reads private e-mails on-air. Is that professional behavior? I'll leave that up to you to decide.
Regarding the Kickstarter stuff: I hear you guys on this, it is confusing. We are doing this because we are committed to getting this campaign funded which supports several new projects like Transmissions from Punktown, Halloween Haunts Volume 1 and STRANDED: Lone Survivor Deserted Island Horror Stories. However, your feedback on this matter is hugely appreciated.
When it comes to the secondary market... I guess it depends on which books you look at. Clive Barker's The Midnight Meat Train Special Definitive Edition sells for a lot more than retail, same with our Lansdale hardcovers and many others.
Really appreciate the feedback in this thread.. but I wanted to correct the record especially on the podcast stuff. Thanks guys and let me know if I missed something.
Thanks guys, definitely value your feedback as established collectors in the industry, helps us figure out where we could improve. Dark Regions Press isn't perfect, we make mistakes and have delays... but in the end we always deliver, and while our customers wait we strive to have excellent customer service. The press has grown significantly over the past five years, and this growth has also led to some growing pains. However, with our recent deliveries of Joshua Hoffine Horror Photography Book, Bird Box Special Edition and very soon Richard Laymon's Funland Special Definitive Edition, I feel confident that our customers understand that while sometimes there is a wait, in the end the books turn out very well.
We will keep working to improve, including on these unfortunately long preorder delays for some titles. Again: your feedback is greatly appreciated.
Originally posted by Ben Staad View PostI 2nd that. I thought it's a solidly produced book. Plus the story is excellent.
Nothing to see here!Ok, I really can't come up with anymore of these stupid things...
- May 2011
- 8816
Originally posted by jeffingoff View PostI'm also getting the BIRD BOX lettered and I can't wait. The numbered is a jewel in my collection. The ONLY thing I wish it had was a slipcase (I would have gladly paid more for it if it was going to be the same price as the numbered OFF SEASON which was initially $95 with the slipcase). This book is worth every penny and it drives me batshit crazy that so many remain unsold. Especially with the renewed attention brought about by the upcoming Netflix movie. Look, I know a bunch of people hate Malerman's signature, but what are you going to do? That's his signature. Don't let it stop you from a great read fantastically produced. And goddamn, Malerman basically explains what's behind the story.
Originally posted by Martin View PostI have read and really enjoyed the book. I do not feel the need for a signed/limited version but if I do buy it, it will be to read the extra content. I am more on the fence about Bird Box than I am a artist gift edition of Horns. I am a sucker for extra content in limited editions!
Nothing to see here!Ok, I really can't come up with anymore of these stupid things...
- May 2011
- 8816
Originally posted by jeffingoff View PostI thought I'd get more value out of the additional fiction, but it was the new afterword I kept thinking about. I mean, I really liked the new short story. It's just the afterword explained a lot and made me appreciate the original novel even more.
Hey guys, don't want to focus on this kind of stuff too much, but since I already started clearing the air in this thread, wanted to clear the air a little more:
One of the main lies perpetuated by those individuals with ulterior motives was that we treat our authors poorly/don't pay royalties. Authors from Jeff Strand to Ramsey Campbell will tell you that while sometimes we have delays and make mistakes, we always work with politeness and professionalism and always pay our authors their due royalties.
Something else I've seen mentioned on these forums is that other individuals were responsible for getting our "big names." Another falsehood that I wish to correct: I was the one who approached Mark Miller at World Horror Convention to do our first Clive Barker project. I was the one to approach Jack Ketchum at our writing retreat about Off Season.. and I was the one who got us all of our Joe R. Lansdale projects. There were a couple reprints by Stephen King that were acquired by others, but besides that every single big name author who has worked with Dark Regions Press is because of me, and they will tell you that I'm very polite and professional to deal with directly. In fact, Jack Ketchum and I became professional friends before his untimely passing, and he readily agreed to have Dark Regions Press publish the other two books in his Dead River series because of his positive experience dealing with us with Off Season.
Anyway, just wanted to make things a little more clear on those two points. I'll drop it now. Thanks for reading guys.