I am such a weak a## . After swearing I wasn't going to purchase this I ended up just going with the Artist Gift Edition. I don't know who I hate more. Me for being so weak or you guys for talking up the production level of this book.
I'm running out of ways to say "great job, Paul," but I have to say, each of the 3 editions of Horns looks like it could be the single definitive edition if SE had made just one. Each is not simply very good - each is distinctive. Those that buy more than 1 edition aren't getting 3 slightly different lookalikes; they are getting 3 very different books.
I'm running out of ways to say "great job, Paul," but I have to say, each of the 3 editions of Horns looks like it could be the single definitive edition if SE had made just one. Each is not simply very good - each is distinctive. Those that buy more than 1 edition aren't getting 3 slightly different lookalikes; they are getting 3 very different books.
That's one of the things I immediately noticed about Suntup - the differences in their editions aren't just a slipcase versus traycase, or a number versus a letter. They're distinct editions from each other.
Paul just announced on Twitter that the limited has now sold out. So it lasted just over 6 hours. With a $675 retail that is a shockingly quick sell out. Congratulations to Suntup on another great release!
I am such a weak a## . After swearing I wasn't going to purchase this I ended up just going with the Artist Gift Edition. I don't know who I hate more. Me for being so weak or you guys for talking up the production level of this book.
Congrats! You did very well for yourself at $85. I wouldn't give it a second thought.
I'm running out of ways to say "great job, Paul," but I have to say, each of the 3 editions of Horns looks like it could be the single definitive edition if SE had made just one. Each is not simply very good - each is distinctive. Those that buy more than 1 edition aren't getting 3 slightly different lookalikes; they are getting 3 very different books.
And the congregation said, "Amen"! And dare I say; this production just may trump Misery. Not in aftermarket value but just sheer quality.
Paul just announced on Twitter that the limited has now sold out. So it lasted just over 6 hours. With a $675 retail that is a shockingly quick sell out. Congratulations to Suntup on another great release!
Well I could not pass on this one. I purchased a limited today. This now provides me with right of first approval for Suntup books in the King track and the non-King track. Paul, please take you time in announcing your next book, you are killing by book budget!
With that said I am thrilled to be adding this one to my collection!
I am such a weak a## . After swearing I wasn't going to purchase this I ended up just going with the Artist Gift Edition. I don't know who I hate more. Me for being so weak or you guys for talking up the production level of this book.
I'm running out of ways to say "great job, Paul," but I have to say, each of the 3 editions of Horns looks like it could be the single definitive edition if SE had made just one. Each is not simply very good - each is distinctive. Those that buy more than 1 edition aren't getting 3 slightly different lookalikes; they are getting 3 very different books.
No kidding. You can tell that Paul loves designing these and treating each one as separate interpretations of the work. I would love to have all three. But I had to settle for two.