Just wondering if anyone else jumped on that Subterranean Press grab bag offer this week. I'll probably do an unboxing video to show my haul.
No announcement yet.
No, I don't do Grab Bags as I like to choose and know what I'm buying. Chances are too high I either wouldn't like what I received (as if I'd wanted them I would have already bought them earlier when initially inidividually offered) or would already have them (again, because I would have bought the ones I actually wanted earlier). As well, I don't want to mess with the hassle, effort, and time of selling unwanted and/or duplicate books on eBay for pennies on the dollar. So I just make it a practice to buy what I want when I can, pick up those I don't buy at initial offering later on the secondary market, and skip the rest...so Grab Bags just don't enter into the equation for me.Last edited by RonClinton; 09-13-2017, 03:22 PM.Twitter: https://twitter.com/ron_clinton
I'm kind of in the same boat as Ron - I have purchased a few CD grab bags, and more often than not, I have been happy. However - I end up with duplicates and/or books I probably would not have purchased when they were originally offered. Plus, I find Sub Press pricey (out of my budget anyway). Which reminds, I will have to get on with my bookshelf purge soon - too many books that I won't ever end up reading, and need to make room for those that I want to acquire.
I'm reading a lot of my own thoughts reflected back at me. I used to buy every grab bag CD offered but I've slowed my roll somewhat. The worst grab bag I've ever bought was the Dark Regions grab bag from a year ago. There was nothing in that batch I was burning to read. But I thought I'd try one from SubPress anyway. Just to get a sense of how different publishers do grab bags. I only have one SubPress book so why not?
Nothing to see here!Ok, I really can't come up with anymore of these stupid things...
- May 2011
- 8816
I have usually had good luck with Cemetery Grab bags and have been introduced to many authors I had not read yet. The one thing I have learned is to not order "in stock" grab bags as I often get duplicates. Once I bought an in stock grab bag and I already had every book. I have had good luck trading my duplicates at Powell's. The worst grab bag I ever brought was from Overlook Connection as there was literally nothing in it that I placed any value on. I generally look for grab bags that are not expensive as they are crap shoots. This is probably the reason I have not ordered a Sub Press grab bag yet, that and although I like the quality of there books many are not my thing. I have had good luck with PS Publishing as well, the last one I bought from them was literally a bag full of books.Last edited by Martin; 09-14-2017, 03:45 AM.
Originally posted by RonClinton View PostNo, I don't do Grab Bags as I like to choose and know what I'm buying. Chances are too high I either wouldn't like what I received (as if I'd wanted them I would have already bought them earlier when initially inidividually offered) or would already have them (again, because I would have bought the ones I actually wanted earlier). As well, I don't want to mess with the hassle, effort, and time of selling unwanted and/or duplicate books on eBay for pennies on the dollar. So I just make it a practice to buy what I want when I can, pick up those I don't buy at initial offering later on the secondary market, and skip the rest...so Grab Bags just don't enter into the equation for me.
I bought a couple of the Sub Press grab bags many years ago, before I had ordered many of their books. At the time, they were a good deal. I didn't get anything I already owned, and I remember liking most of what I got.
I wouldn't buy any grab bags now. I order what I want, and try to get any non-collectibles as e-books, because I need to stop filling the house with books.
As you can see, the e-book folder has gotten quite large:
Originally posted by Sock Monkey View PostI passed, though I've always been tempted by the SubPress grab bag. Generally, I've enjoyed CD's, but since I buy so much of what they offer, the appeal of the grab bags isn't quite there anymore due to the same reasons listed above.
Originally posted by TJCams View PostMy favourite GBs though are usually the early reader ones though...those I know I won't already have on my bookshelf!Twitter: https://twitter.com/ron_clinton
Nothing to see here!Ok, I really can't come up with anymore of these stupid things...
- May 2011
- 8816
Originally posted by RonClinton View PostSee, and that's another lack of appeal for me, beyond the points I mentioned above...I don't like ARCs (am assuming that's what the "early reader" pubs are), don't collect them, don't want them anywhere near my collection. I have a real aversion to them (though I know a few collect them, which I've frankly never understood), so there is absolutely no appeal to me for a gift bag full of 'em.
Originally posted by Martin View PostI love the early reader's bags, yes they are ARCs and I love the unannounced books bags. When CD does those they also include in the announcement that if you have the grab bag ordered you do not need to order this one.