Lol, can't post anywhere now. Ok, ok, I have a 5 day weekend coming up where I should have some time to snap pics and post so I'll get on it. After spending some quality time with the little guy of course.
This one didn't interest me much and not due to the lack of SK but because zombie's vs Robots sounds umm...I don't know what word I am looking for. I'm sure someone else agrees and might know what I am trying to say. The word stupid comes to mind but that's an awfully vague word. It's like someone had no original idea and just said Frig it lets throw zombies and robots together. Kind of like King Kong Vs Godzilla.
Implausible genre-mixing was what came to mind for me.
A: Why would zombies care about robots? They can't eat them or bite them and turn them into zombies.
B: Why would robots care about zombies? If the robots wanted to take over, wouldn't they prefer that the zombies ate more people?
I'm not a zombie genre fan anyway. Give me a good vampire story any day.
You guys are killing me.Just find an old issue and read it.It is just a story..don't think to much.Sometimes escape into unreality is good.This comic series was.
I like even my highly impossible stories to at least sound plausible. Robots - Plausible even Zombies - Plausible or at least sound plausible, theres always an explanation. but Zombies VS Robots, I'm gonna have to agree with Dave on this one.
Works for me! Plausability Schmausability! It's all implausable, but the best writers present the implausable as plausable, making it easier to suspend disbelief.
The thing is.ZvR is about fighting over humans not really each other.Both want to take over and destry the last of human kind one for food one for control.Well More copies for me if I want them.Besides it means like The Passage and Pure I get first shot at other IDW titles. So there!!!
The thing is.ZvR is about fighting over humans not really each other.
OK, so it should really Zombies and Robots vs Humans
As I said, I'm not really into the zombie stuff. The only zombie movies I liked were Shaun of the Dead, which cracked me up, and 28 Days/Weeks Later. Zombie books have never been my thing.