Hey, some words, if they don't exist, should exist, and, when you look at it, each new word has to be coined by someone, right ??? Anyway, funnily enough, "funnily" was a word already (according to the interwebby at any rate)
I didn't say it wasn't a word, I said it was a horrible adverb. Although some people think it's not a word. I just think it shouldn't be a word. But then again your talking to someone who says ain't on a regular basis. Also, I believe if you can say it and give it meaning then it's a word.
The english language is stupid. There are too many rules. If I WANNA say AIN'T I'm GONNA. Why can't I write the way I talk. The only time you can get away with that is online or when writing dialect.
You CAN write the way you talk, Teri! No one's stopping you and people might read it! You never know til you try. And the flexibility of the English language is what allows for such things to happen. I happen to think that Hemingway is a terrible writer, but he had some interesting things to say, so I read him.