Well of course they're actual books not something to place the book in. And I had to buy him something for his birthday, I may as well enjoy it too. the Artist edition is because its technically the First print and prettier than the Trade. I have my justifications. I don't own 11/22/63 yet either. It's being given to me when the boyfriend gets home cuz his sister in law said I can have hers after she reads it and its not like my other firsts have special cases, hell some of em dont even have dust jackets which I am quite disappointed about.
Something about the only selling US versions to US customers and UK versions to UK countries. I got one with my ticket to see him in Dallas. i tried to get one online, but my fingers didn't work fast enough....
Well, I assumed that you would be able to UK editions shipped to you. Just write your Prime Minister and tell him you're fed up and Canada should become part of the US! It'll make getting US editions easier and will probably not take as long as getting some shipped over seas!
All of the UK editions I have come across so far from publishers have been faximiles. Which are just stupid. There was however a UK TWTTK that grant posted but I couldn't afford almost $600 for it.
Got my shipping notice! Just a quick question: in the details of the notice it says the only thing shipping is the slipcase. What about the book (which i picked up together with the slipcase)?
I have two slipcases coming my way, for my signed first I got at the JFK library and for my S/L I got for Christmas (USA! USA! USA!). I couldn't justify $50 for a traycase, though. And just to fan the flames a bit, outside of the Dark Tower, I think 11/22/63 is probably my favorite SK book.
Got my shipping notice! Just a quick question: in the details of the notice it says the only thing shipping is the slipcase. What about the book (which i picked up together with the slipcase)?
Hey Pete. Send me an email with the order info and I can look into it for you.