Originally posted by Martin
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[INDEXED]The Doll: The Lost Short Stories by Daphne du Maurier
Nothing to see here!Ok, I really can't come up with anymore of these stupid things...
- May 2011
- 8816
I recommend Rebecca, both the book and the movie. If I remember correctly it won an academy award for best picture.Originally posted by copefiend2 View PostI loved the movie The Birds but I've never heard of the other one's. I'm guessing I need to find these movies somewhere and check out the library. Thanks for the reply.
Nothing to see here!Ok, I really can't come up with anymore of these stupid things...
- May 2011
- 8816
I had to double check because I was not sure. It did win for best picture and best Cinematography but it was 1941. If I had not read the book and watched the movie there is no way I would have remembered it.Originally posted by copefiend2 View PostO! Now you're just trying to make me feel stupid
Hey, a TOC would be helpful:
East Wind
The Doll
And Now to God the Father
A Difference in Temperament
Tame Cat
Nothing Hurts for Long
The Happy Valley
And His Letters Grew Colder
The LimpetBrian James Freeman
Lividian Publications: http://www.Lividian.com
My Writing: http://www.BrianJamesFreeman.com
Originally posted by Martin View PostI recommend Rebecca, both the book and the movie. If I remember correctly it won an academy award for best picture.
Incredible as it may seem (to me, at least), Sir Alfred never won an Academy Award for best director.
Don't best picture and best director go hand-in-hand?
Guess not.
Originally posted by frik51 View PostYou remember correctly.
Incredible as it may seem (to me, at least), Sir Alfred never won an Academy Award for best director.
Don't best picture and best director go hand-in-hand?
Guess not.
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CD Email: [email protected]
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There was also a front page article intoday's USA Today about how publishers are printing books with curse words in the titles and they are really selling!"I'm a vegan. "
---Kirby Bliss Blanton , The Green Inferno (2013)
Originally posted by Martin View PostNot a dummy but probably not a big Hitchcock fan, She wrote Rebecca, The Birds, and Jamaica Inn all of which have been made into movies by Alfred Hitchcock. I have not read much of her work but what I have read I have enjoyed.
Great to see CD putting this one out! It's long been a tough collection to find of hers and she's an excellent writer. I'd also recommend both the collections KISS ME AGAIN STRANGER and DON'T LOOK NOW.
- James