I said I was gonna order this and then forgot lol.
I don't have much money so I can't be buying books and related things at the present time.
The reason I haven't been around is because of a setback....that injury to my neck? I might have to have surgery afterall and I thought I was going back to work this March!!! Well, life sucks then ya die as they say
But I'll be back on the forum when all this is straightened out. For now I have too much pain to even sit in a chair for a half hour.
Oh, and Caren? I'm still getting your books! I haven't forgot about them either just like I haven't forgot about this place.
I can't wait to get this...Can't frame em until I have a house with walls to hang them on. Every time I wanna get a book I just have to think "Save Money, Buy house then I can Frame My IT ARTWORK." lol
I said I was gonna order this and then forgot lol.
I don't have much money so I can't be buying books and related things at the present time.
The reason I haven't been around is because of a setback....that injury to my neck? I might have to have surgery afterall and I thought I was going back to work this March!!! Well, life sucks then ya die as they say
But I'll be back on the forum when all this is straightened out. For now I have too much pain to even sit in a chair for a half hour.
Oh, and Caren? I'm still getting your books! I haven't forgot about them either just like I haven't forgot about this place.
I'll be back.....................
Good luck on the surgery Scott. Life may suck but before we die we first live to fight for another day.
I had an accident about three weeks back. Was replacing the fluorescent light bulb in my house. Taking the easy way of climbing on to a stool, then a table. Replaced the bulb successfully. Everything was going well. Then when I came back down on the stool, lost my footing somehow and fell. My left hand caught the wall and supported me fine but right hand knocked all the way through a glass window. Ended up with a deep laceration and a damaged extensor tendon to my wrist. Missed my artery by centimeters.
They repaired the tendon and stitched up the wound. Took out the sutures last Saturday but still have to wrap a bandage around a protective fibre-glass plaster on the top of my hand when I'm going out of the house for another two weeks. Then it would be another three months before I could do heavy duty lifting.
So there ya go. Shit happens, but we fight to live another day So take care Scott. Hope you can be back here sooner than expected.
I said I was gonna order this and then forgot lol.
I don't have much money so I can't be buying books and related things at the present time.
The reason I haven't been around is because of a setback....that injury to my neck? I might have to have surgery afterall and I thought I was going back to work this March!!! Well, life sucks then ya die as they say
But I'll be back on the forum when all this is straightened out. For now I have too much pain to even sit in a chair for a half hour.
Oh, and Caren? I'm still getting your books! I haven't forgot about them either just like I haven't forgot about this place.
I'll be back.....................
Good luck Scott! Hope everything turns out all right!
We should be able to start shipping at the end of the week next week, hopefully. It'll probably take us a whole week to get them shipped though, if not more. It'll be a complicated proccess since almost all the orders get a specific number.
Good. Hopefully you guys don't save all your international orders for last like DMG. Still waiting to even be charged for my TWTTK. I just like to know what's going on though and you guys most definitely do a great job at keeping everyone informed. Thanks for yet another prompt answer Dan
We should be able to start shipping at the end of the week next week, hopefully. It'll probably take us a whole week to get them shipped though, if not more. It'll be a complicated proccess since almost all the orders get a specific number.
Plus all of the artwork needs to be collated and then, once each set is assembled, someone needs to skillfully tie the ribbon closure on each portfolio. That won't be me because I'm all thumbs.