Originally posted by Brian Freeman
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[INDEXED]The Best of Cemetery Dance: Volume 2
Originally posted by bookworm 1 View PostWhat I find it frustrating is you Brian feeling you need to explain in such detail what has been going on.I have been a member of the CD family for awhile.I thought Rich
explained himself great back a couple of years when things were really slow.I had only been with CD a short time and things almost ground to a halt for you guys.I just knew the way you responded that things would be ok.I even remember calling the office when I did not receive a package when I thought it would be here and the bank had called to tell me my credit card # had been stolen.I called the office to see if that was why my package had not been received.Not only did I get a call back
telling me that at that time you shipped mostly on Fridays the person who I assume was Mindy was very sympathetic to what I was going through.I feel you have done a great job catching up on the old titles.You can not be held responsible for writers block or artists who are trying to get things just right and take more time.The outcome will be that the book will get done eventually.High production values are one of the great qualities of CD books.They are worth the wait.Keep doing what you are doing.You guys do it better then most that is why you have been around for so long.I got your back because you have had mine.
But I completely understand why anyone might be frustrated at this point. It's been a fairly frustrating book for me, too.I do think this will be a tremendous book that readers and collectors will love, though!
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^^ TLDR version of BW's post for anyone who's interested:
CD = awesome!
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What I find it frustrating is you Brian feeling you need to explain in such detail what has been going on.I have been a member of the CD family for awhile.I thought Rich
explained himself great back a couple of years when things were really slow.I had only been with CD a short time and things almost ground to a halt for you guys.I just knew the way you responded that things would be ok.I even remember calling the office when I did not receive a package when I thought it would be here and the bank had called to tell me my credit card # had been stolen.I called the office to see if that was why my package had not been received.Not only did I get a call back
telling me that at that time you shipped mostly on Fridays the person who I assume was Mindy was very sympathetic to what I was going through.I feel you have done a great job catching up on the old titles.You can not be held responsible for writers block or artists who are trying to get things just right and take more time.The outcome will be that the book will get done eventually.High production values are one of the great qualities of CD books.They are worth the wait.Keep doing what you are doing.You guys do it better then most that is why you have been around for so long.I got your back because you have had mine.
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Originally posted by keysersoze View PostThanks for the reply Brian, I really do appreciate it. Sorry for my impatience, I am very excited about this title and eagerly awaiting news about it
By the way, here's the good news: the next time we do one of these big anthologies, you won't have to worry about waiting years and years because the book will already be in production when it's announced. That'll be so much better for everyone.We do learn our lessons... eventually! ha!
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Thanks for the reply Brian, I really do appreciate it. Sorry for my impatience, I am very excited about this title and eagerly awaiting news about it
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Take your time and get it right Brian. I havent preordered it but only because I am waiting on the TOC and if the wait means the TOC will be better than anyone should be willing to wait.
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Thanks Brian! We know it will be well worth the wait. It always is!!
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Finally got home after a long day at the office, and it occurred to me that I hadn't made an important point: this book isn't taking so long on *purpose* unless you consider wanting to get the best line-up possible being "on purpose." If the book could have been done five years ago and met the standards we set for it, then you'd have it in your hands. But the book isn't "done" as far as we're concerned, so it hasn't been published.
(On a related note, we had a lot of trouble with the binding and traycases for Legacies, and at one point about six months before the project was published, someone posted, "Just use whatever binding you can and skip the traycases, no one cares! We just want our book!"
I don't believe, once the book was published, that anyone would have been happier if the book had been published six months earlier because we used a cheaper binding method and we skipped the promised traycases. I simply can't even imagine the possibility of us just chucking some cheap version of the book out there and saying, "Well, this is what you get." We promised a certain quality of publication, with certain special features, and we were going to deliver the book the way it was supposed to be -- even though it meant taking more time to get the book done right.)
CD:15 obviously shouldn't have been announced when it was, but we can't really take that back now. Projects like this one and ILT and Legacies are why we no longer announce books before we have finished manuscripts in hand. It's obviously not ideal for preorders to linger for years like this. We don't like it, some customers don't like it -- although many are extremely understanding -- and it's our goal for it to never happen again once we're done catching up on the "old" preorders.
Personally, as a reader and collector, I would rather CD:15 have those last couple of authors who haven't had time to write their stories, but we will move on without them in 2013 if it just isn't going to happen.
Let me know if I still haven't answered your questions. I do appreciate your patience on this one. It's been a bear, but I think it'll be worth it in the end!
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Originally posted by keysersoze View PostPlus after being a loyal customer all this time - to be dismissed and told to feel free to cancel my order(s) seemed unnecessary and off-putting.
(As you know, we no longer announce unfinished books for this very reason. Stuff happens, books get delayed, authors don't turn in manuscripts, etc.)
I hope you'll stick around and love the book when it's published, but we won't be offended if you want to cancel your order and wait things out and see who is on the TOC, etc. That's your call as the customer.
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Originally posted by keysersoze View PostBottomline, do you guys still feel that CD:15 will be better in regards to contributors and production values as The Best of CD? And when can we expect a true timeline for the TOC and when this title will be published?
In terms of production values, I think most of our books these days are a notch above The Best of Cemetery Dance when it comes to the production values and the materials we use.
To answer your other question, we're waiting on a couple of original stories that were promised to us years ago. We can finalize the TOC and announce it whenever at this point and just tell those authors it's too late, but I suspect some collectors will be disappointed that they could have had original stories by these authors and now they won't.
We'll definitely announce the table of contents when the book is complete. I expect that to happen in 2013. The publication schedule will then be set based on production time, how long we expect it to take to circulate the signature sheets, etc.
Does this information help?
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Originally posted by keysersoze View PostBut that sentence being removed from CD:15 description really ticked me off.......
Edited: I added the line back with the explanation that the difference is that this book will have ORIGINAL fiction in it. Better? It doesn't really change what we're trying to do with the book, but if it makes you more confident you'll be happy with the book, I'm happy to add it back.
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Originally posted by Brian Freeman View PostThe About the Book description has been changed because the focus of the book has changed during its development. Unlike The Best of Cemetery Dance, which was all reprints, this volume is now focused on a equal split of classic reprints AND original, never before published fiction. No one was ever promised a King story or signature in CD:15. If you imagined there would be one, good for you, but we never said there would be one and I can't tell you now whether or not there will be one because the TOC isn't finalized. Feel free to cancel your order for a full refund. You can always reorder after the TOC is announced if copies are still available.
Bottomline, do you guys still feel that CD:15 will be better in regards to contributors and production values as The Best of CD? And when can we expect a true timeline for the TOC and when this title will be published?
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