Wow, very kind of you, Martin; I'll send you by info via PM.
As much as I tease Jeff, my mind is completely open to being changed, so I appreciate the offer of the ARC to see I can be swayed to Jeff's side of the Malerman pool party. While I left BIRD BOX two-thirds unfinished, was utterly disappointed by GOBLIN and also left it about one-third unfinished, was twice-burned (and scared off by scathing reviews) so skipped UNBURY CAROL...I *did* like A HOUSE AT THE BOTTOM OF A LAKE (until the ending, the last 10% of so), so I know there's a glimmer of something within Malerman's work that I can appreciate. Maybe PIG is much more akin to what I saw in HOUSE than any of his other work...would be very interested to see.
