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Bentley Little's "Walking Alone"

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  • JJ123
    Thanks for the reply. Looking forward to it...

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  • Dan Hocker
    Originally posted by JJ123 View Post
    I noticed that Amazon has a release date of June 29 for this collection. Is that accurate? That would be another delay in the release. Perhaps a different, limited version of the book is coming out at the end of this month?

    Cannot wait for this. Little's stories are always fun reads...
    Our release dates are rarely set in stone. It's likely that it could be out before June 29th, but for Amazon for a May release date the books would have had to been ready to ship to them this week. That wasn't going to be possible, so when we can meet those Amazon dates we generally push it a month with them. It's at the printer now, and I think we got DJ proofs on Friday so we should hopefully be seeing book proofs soon as well. So you shouldn't have too terribly much longer to wait.

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  • JJ123
    started a topic Bentley Little's "Walking Alone"

    Bentley Little's "Walking Alone"

    I noticed that Amazon has a release date of June 29 for this collection. Is that accurate? That would be another delay in the release. Perhaps a different, limited version of the book is coming out at the end of this month?

    Cannot wait for this. Little's stories are always fun reads...