I am very jealous of you guys! Mine LE left Maryland yesterday in its journey to me. I also passed on the Gift Edition figuring I could make do with a trade first, a signed trade first and a signed limited. I have serious concerns that I may need one more! I will see if I can let that pass without ordering when the extras hit the market.
Much in the same boat, Martin. I passed on the GE but one day I hope to pick one up. Not in the budget currently though. You won't be disappointed when you get your LE. I can tell you that for certain.
Much in the same boat, Martin. I passed on the GE but one day I hope to pick one up. Not in the budget currently though. You won't be disappointed when you get your LE. I can tell you that for certain.
With my monthly stipend from CD I currently have enough in my account to buy it but was hoping to keep that for future purchases.
I Just received my LE and Ladies and Gentlemen, if you will allow me just one moment of abandon and I will return to civility....clears throat....THIS BOOK IS F*CKING BEAUTIFUL!!!!!
OK I am much better now, thanks for listening and I hope my review gets published somewhere. Thanks all!
My LE came today, and I have to agree. What a book!
I've had my SHIPMENT IS READY email for four days and I might lose my mind once my shipment starts moving.
Dan is just trying to give you time for a few set and script changes for the unboxing video. Really, he is doing it for your own good. Just think how bad you would feel if you just made a willy-nilly video for this one!
OK, my question is what kind of sick individual doesn't shelf Doctor Sleep next to The Shining?!?!?!!? Why Jeff?!?!?! WWWWWHHHHYYYY?!?!?!?!
My shelves are in flux. I'm still not in my house, so there will be opportunities to reorganize. BUT, I planned on shelving all the CD Doubleday Years together. So The Shining will be next to Night Shift. ALSO, I thought Doctor Sleep wasn't really much of a sequel. It was sort of an update on what Danny's been doing. And a way for Steve to go after Sarah Palin (that's who Rosie is, in case you didn't know). If you changed the name of the main character from Danny Torrance to Jackass Jeff, the story would be basically the same. It's not like the entity or entities that powered The Overlook were coming for Danny and he needed to have it out with The Overlook once and for all. So anyway I have no idea why I'm rambling all this. I think I fell asleep writing this post. I'll probably disagree with it after I post it.