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Cemetery Dance Magazine (All Issues)

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    Hey guys. While I don't work at CD full time anymore and don't typically monitor the forums. I'd suggest emailing the CD crew about it. Subscriptions are mailed out by the magazine printer, and unless something has changed I'm pretty positive they should have been in paper envelopes. That's how they've always shipped from the printer. So maybe let them know, since if the printer changed that on them without their knowledge they'll definitely want to know.
    CD Email: [email protected]

    Non-Work related social media and what not:

    Buy my stuff! -


      Will have to check the mailbox in the morning.


        Hullo there all! I spoke with folks regarding the Cemetery Dance Magazine Issue #78 and the envelope situation. I wasn't aware of the issue until recently, or I'd have posted something sooner. The short version is: if yours is damaged, CONTACT ME ([email protected]) and I will get you fixed up ASAP.

        I expect an official statement will be released, but the summary is that due to the rapidly rising postage and supply costs, our printer informed us that it would cost us an additional $8,000 per issue to ship subscriber copies inside envelopes. That total included the price of the envelopes, employee payroll to stuff the envelopes, and postage. In short, there was no decision for us to make. Paying that amount would have ended the magazine's rebirth before it even started or caused the purchase price to become prohibitive to casual readers. We elected to ship without envelopes.

        While necessary, no one is at all pleased with the no-envelope shipping situation. We will continue to explore other options for future issues, including using thicker cover stock and shrink-wrapping issues. I understand the collectible nature of the magazine, and please reach out if there are issues or complications and CD will do what we can to make it right.

        Issue #79 is solidly in production, and while 78 hung in limbo (due to back log of books, COVID, personnel changes, etc), the schedule should return to consistent and regular production. I'm told #79 will be out within the year and will contain 100% timely non-fiction (most of what I'll be working on), creepy short stories, etc. The page count will also be significantly higher this time around.

        Thank you for your time and patience and sorry for the poor communication
        CD Email: [email protected]
        My website:


          Thanks for the update, Dan. I don't need a new copy, but I do hope they can change the way the magazine is mailed for future issues.



            Definitely disappointed.


              Originally posted by saginawhorror View Post

              Definitely disappointed.
              That is F'ed Up!


                Beyond disappointing.

                If you're old like me, you may remember when a comic book subscription was mailed in what amounted to was a brown paper bag that was open on the top and bottom the comic.  I never once had an issue come in similar condition as above.  Even when those issues had to be shipped overseas to where I was living as a kid.

                I know there are "reasons" but it's still very disappointing.


                  I was also surprised to see that there wasn't an envelope (well, and to see the magazine at all), but amazingly mine arrived without any condition issues whatsoever. I'm shocked that it made it halfway across the nation and still looks like new. Best of all, great to see it's still alive and kicking.


                    Happy to report that my copy arrived in Southwest Washington. On less happy notes it is clear that the change to shipping without an envelope was not sprung on CD last minute as the back cover is formatted to allow for shipping information to be printed rather than just applying an address label. Even in tough times in the past CD has generally kept their customers updated on changes. I really hope they return to that. Someone mentioned a misspelling of Stephen Kings name. While I have not encountered that, yet I can report that the first sentence in the magazine is messed up enough that I had to read it a couple of times to figure out what it was meant to say. I have been a subscriber since issue 23 and have always been impressed with low number of errors contained within any issue. Hopefully this is not a sign of things to come. Glad to have issue #78 in my possession!


                      The new CD arrived yesterday, and I'm happy to report that it was mailed in an envelope, and the cover stock and interior paper has received a nice upgrade. Great-looking package all around.


                        Mine hasn't come yet hopefully soon.


                          Originally posted by dannyboy121070 View Post
                          The new CD arrived yesterday, and I'm happy to report that it was mailed in an envelope, and the cover stock and interior paper has received a nice upgrade. Great-looking package all around.
                          Mine arrived the same way and was equally happy to see the upgraded paper. It gives the whole thing a more substantial feel to it. I really, really hope that CD will eventually be able to turn things around get the magazine out on a more regular basis, even if it is shifting something more like Centipede does with the Weird Fiction Review as a book-length annual.


                            I'm still waiting for mine, too. This problem may actually be USPS. I mailed CD mailers via First Class on February 5 and 7. The one from the 7th was finally delivered on Friday (the 21st). The one I sent on the 5th was finally delivered today, two days shy of three weeks!
                            Last edited by goathunter; 02-25-2025, 01:48 AM.


                              I didn't get it yet, but I'm sure it's a slow process to get them all out.


                                mine safely arrived yesterday. Definitely feels upgraded.

