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October Dreams 2: A Celebration of Horror

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  • mhatchett
    Thanks. that's very helpful!

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  • Brian James Freeman
    For those who have been curious, this should be the complete list of which authors signed:

    SHEET #1: Nancy Holder, S.P. Miskowski, Benjamin Kane Ethridge, John Skipp, Whitley Strieber, Harry Shannon, Lisa Morton, Al Magliochetti, Glen Hirshberg, Roberta Lannes, Robert Morrish, Ray Garton

    SHEET #2: Ian McDowell, James Newman, James Moore, Ronald Kelly, Nicole Cushing, Tim Waggoner, Kealan Patrick Burke, Stewart O'Nan, Al Sarrantonio, Matthew Costello, Karen Heuler

    SHEET #3: Joe Lansdale. Bev Vincent, Nate Southard, Stephen Graham Jones, Melanie Tem, Michael McBride, Orrin Grey, M. Rickert, Tim Curran

    SHEET #4 (with Numbering Line): Tina Callaghan, Michael Kelly, Gemma Files, Sephera Giron, Richard Gavin, Ronald Malfi, Elizabeth Massie, Richard Chizmar

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  • KaWolf
    I recently picked up October Dreams letter M and was hoping to get the matching letter for October Dreams 2. Unfortunately M is already taken, so I was wondering if whomever has that letter reserved would be willing to swap.

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  • Dan Hocker
    Originally posted by bsaenz24 View Post
    Agreed! The first OD is such a fantastic collection and I'm sure ODII will be too!
    I have a couple theories, but mostly I think the collecting market is just different these days. I have no doubts it will sell out though.

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  • bsaenz24
    Agreed! The first OD is such a fantastic collection and I'm sure ODII will be too!

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  • frik51
    It's beyond me why this book isn't an instant sell-out.
    Whenever the first October Dreams makes an appearance on eBay, the asking price is high - especially the limited editions go for a small fortune.
    These limiteds are rare and much sought after.
    And here we are, many months after the initial announcement of October Dreams 2 - and the limiteds are still available.
    I don't get it.


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  • KaWolf
    Originally posted by Dan Hocker View Post
    Possibly. There are a couple situations in which we wouldn't be able to, your best bet would be to email Mindy and tell her which letter you're interested in.
    Thanks for the help Dan!

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  • Dan Hocker
    Originally posted by KaWolf View Post
    If someone has a lettered copy of October Dreams and pre-orders a lettered copy of October Dreams II, will you be able to match the letters?
    Possibly. There are a couple situations in which we wouldn't be able to, your best bet would be to email Mindy and tell her which letter you're interested in.

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  • KaWolf
    If someone has a lettered copy of October Dreams and pre-orders a lettered copy of October Dreams II, will you be able to match the letters?

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  • frik51
    Thanks, dan. I'll try PS Publishing.


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  • Dan Hocker
    Originally posted by frik51 View Post
    Dan, Brian, Mindy - anyone: why isn't PS Publishing getting any of the trade edition? Shipping from the US to my country will cost a fortune. That's actually the only reason I haven't ordered it yet.

    That's probably more of a question for PS. I can't really comment on what they did or didn't order. All that said, I'm not sure we have even shipped the retailer orders yet, we only just finished shipping our customer orders the other day.

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  • Brian James Freeman
    Originally posted by frik51 View Post
    Dan, Brian, Mindy - anyone: why isn't PS Publishing getting any of the trade edition? Shipping from the US to my country will cost a fortune. That's actually the only reason I haven't ordered it yet.

    They have an order with us, but maybe they already sold them all? They can always order more if they'd like!


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  • frik51
    Dan, Brian, Mindy - anyone: why isn't PS Publishing getting any of the trade edition? Shipping from the US to my country will cost a fortune. That's actually the only reason I haven't ordered it yet.


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  • Martin
    Originally posted by bookworm 1 View Post
    My signed trade edition arrived today. Love the cool signature sheet. The book is beautiful. Can't wait to see what you guys do with the limited edition.
    Mine arrived today as well. I must agree that the signature sheet is great!

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  • bookworm 1
    My signed trade edition arrived today. Love the cool signature sheet. The book is beautiful. Can't wait to see what you guys do with the limited edition.

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