The interiors of all four volumes are designed and being proofread now, but that process is basically done.
The signature sheets are being printed now (we needed the artwork for the sheets to finish them) and the sheets will be circulating among the author and the artists as soon as possible. The timing will vary based on their schedules. Once we have a better idea of when each artist will be done signing their sheets, we'll be able to figure out when this is going to the printer.
Thank you for your patience!
The interiors of all four volumes are designed and being proofread now, but that process is basically done.
The signature sheets are being printed now (we needed the artwork for the sheets to finish them) and the sheets will be circulating among the author and the artists as soon as possible. The timing will vary based on their schedules. Once we have a better idea of when each artist will be done signing their sheets, we'll be able to figure out when this is going to the printer.
Thank you for your patience!