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Production Update Questions

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  • goathunter
    Hi, Dan.

    I've received a couple of queries from McCammon fans about the Gone South limiteds they ordered from CD. Do you have any idea when those will ship? (Or have they shipped, and they need to contact Mindy?)



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  • DanFranklin
    Originally posted by amd013 View Post
    Hi Dan, have all copies of the Gwendy's trilogy shipped yet? I haven't received mine or a shipping notice.

    They have not! They should be out by the end of the week, I would think. If you haven't heard regarding yours, please reach out to me directly and I'll figure out the hold up and how to get it to you ASAP

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  • amd013
    Hi Dan, have all copies of the Gwendy's trilogy shipped yet? I haven't received mine or a shipping notice.


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  • TacomaDiver
    Originally posted by RonClinton View Post

    Wise move…I’d’ve done the same, especially since the GWENDY wasn’t awaiting a special spot in your collection. Now you just have to decide if it’s newly-found Fun Money, or keep doing the fiscally wise (but, eh, boring) thing and put it in your new-home fund that IIRC you have.
    Just applied it to my PayPal account. So nothing excited except I did pay for things that were exciting

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  • RonClinton
    Originally posted by TacomaDiver View Post
    Pulled the trigger and canceled that Gwendy order, and a couple of other orders since the Production Update said the signature sheets still aren't signed. If they do get signed, I may re-order; who knows. There are still more preorders I have,but at least the updates are from March and they said they're ready for the printer. Probably check on them in a few more months and see if they've changed status before I cancel them.
    Wise move…I’d’ve done the same, especially since the GWENDY wasn’t awaiting a special spot in your collection. Now you just have to decide if it’s newly-found Fun Money, or keep doing the fiscally wise (but, eh, boring) thing and put it in your new-home fund that IIRC you have.

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  • TacomaDiver
    Pulled the trigger and canceled that Gwendy order, and a couple of other orders since the Production Update said the signature sheets still aren't signed. If they do get signed, I may re-order; who knows. There are still more preorders I have,but at least the updates are from March and they said they're ready for the printer. Probably check on them in a few more months and see if they've changed status before I cancel them.

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  • DanFranklin
    Originally posted by Vince View Post
    Hey Dan, any news on the 2018 Forthcoming grab bag books? I know Suffer the Children is included but nothing else. And I've seen no other movement. Anything at all?
    That's one I want to chase in the second half of the year, hopefully before The Stand, but haven't ironed out all the details! First need to get up and running on one or two of our *really* old projects so I can better get things rolling, but I definitely have those three books near the top of the list! It's Suffer the Children, Odd Adventures, and Tomorrow's Journal and the files are pretty much all done. Still want to do one more pass through to make sure everything is clean and up to date, but the sig sheets are in, all the artwork is in, etc.

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  • TacomaDiver
    another good point Jeff.

    Plus my Paypal account would like that $500 back too.

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  • jeffingoff
    Originally posted by TacomaDiver View Post
    I don't have the rest of the Gwendy books in deluxe - just the signed trades from CD (and now the slipcase that arrived today.)

    If I remember right, I was able to snag a copy because I was a member of the CDCC and actually figured I'd sell it and make an extra buck or two.

    Everyone has some very good points - I'm just really torn. It is paid for, and it's not like I gave up something to justify the cost, I just keep thinking that $500 seems like a lot of money to have sitting around somewhere.

    It is too bad I can't transfer the book order - I know there were a lot of people butt hurt that they missed out on this book.

    Decisions decisions.
    Based on this, I'd vote for cancelling. Gwendy is not a desired series and I just wouldn't even bother even if you could sell it for $800 after you got it. Just not worth the headspace. Having the other two and being able to have a set is the only reason I wouldn't cancel.

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  • TacomaDiver
    I don't have the rest of the Gwendy books in deluxe - just the signed trades from CD (and now the slipcase that arrived today.)

    If I remember right, I was able to snag a copy because I was a member of the CDCC and actually figured I'd sell it and make an extra buck or two.

    Everyone has some very good points - I'm just really torn. It is paid for, and it's not like I gave up something to justify the cost, I just keep thinking that $500 seems like a lot of money to have sitting around somewhere.

    It is too bad I can't transfer the book order - I know there were a lot of people butt hurt that they missed out on this book.

    Decisions decisions.

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  • Vince
    Hey Dan, any news on the 2018 Forthcoming grab bag books? I know Suffer the Children is included but nothing else. And I've seen no other movement. Anything at all?

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  • RonClinton
    Originally posted by TacomaDiver View Post
    So I was lucky enough to purchase a lettered copy of Gwendy's Final Task in April of 2021. Yes, one that will be signed by King.

    I'm really torn - do I cancel this order because honestly, I have no idea when this book will be done, let alone ship, and it's a pretty big chunk of change to just have floating out there. Will CD let me sell the pre-order and essentially assign it to someone else? Anyone ever do that before? Or do I just cancel my order, get my money, and always wonder what could have been.
    Depends how big of a Gwendy fan you are. Do you have the rest of the trilogy in deluxe format and this edition will complete the set? Then you should keep it.

    Or is this a one-off? If it's a one-off and you're not an ardent fan of the series and instead are looking at it as either a nice vehicle for a King sig or as some type of theoretical investment, I'd suggest cancelling it and using the funds to purchase an existing signed King volume is a better option...this is the only way to actually have the King sig or investment in hand right now rather than the concept of having it in the future at some unknown -- quite possibly, very long in the future -- point.

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  • Sock Monkey
    Originally posted by TacomaDiver View Post
    So I was lucky enough to purchase a lettered copy of Gwendy's Final Task in April of 2021. Yes, one that will be signed by King.

    I'm really torn - do I cancel this order because honestly, I have no idea when this book will be done, let alone ship, and it's a pretty big chunk of change to just have floating out there. Will CD let me sell the pre-order and essentially assign it to someone else? Anyone ever do that before? Or do I just cancel my order, get my money, and always wonder what could have been.
    CD won't let you transfer a pre-order. I tried when I sold by Doubleday AEs while back with the preorder for Night Shift included. I wound up having to receive the book from CD and then ship it to my buyer.

    As for if you should cancel or not, that is up to if you feel like waiting or not. We know the book will come eventually but with CD's track record (not bashing, just stating facts), it will be a while down the road. Personally, I've moved away from having money tied up in preorders for years. I just don't think it's worth it anymore.

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  • Dave1442397
    Originally posted by TacomaDiver View Post
    So I was lucky enough to purchase a lettered copy of Gwendy's Final Task in April of 2021. Yes, one that will be signed by King.

    I'm really torn - do I cancel this order because honestly, I have no idea when this book will be done, let alone ship, and it's a pretty big chunk of change to just have floating out there. Will CD let me sell the pre-order and essentially assign it to someone else? Anyone ever do that before? Or do I just cancel my order, get my money, and always wonder what could have been.
    Yeah, it gives a whole new meaning to "put your money in a CD". I have the S/L on order, plus a lot of other titles, and at this point I just consider the money spent, and hope that the books show up eventually. Personally, I wouldn't cancel it.

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  • TacomaDiver
    So I was lucky enough to purchase a lettered copy of Gwendy's Final Task in April of 2021. Yes, one that will be signed by King.

    I'm really torn - do I cancel this order because honestly, I have no idea when this book will be done, let alone ship, and it's a pretty big chunk of change to just have floating out there. Will CD let me sell the pre-order and essentially assign it to someone else? Anyone ever do that before? Or do I just cancel my order, get my money, and always wonder what could have been.

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