General production question. I noticed that a lot of books have been ready for the printer for a long time. such as Vacation and Screamplays among others. When you do an unannounced book like the King books that you are trying to get out fast does that push the other books back. Do you guys use only one printer or do you have a few?
General production question. I noticed that a lot of books have been ready for the printer for a long time. such as Vacation and Screamplays among others. When you do an unannounced book like the King books that you are trying to get out fast does that push the other books back. Do you guys use only one printer or do you have a few?
Books aren't always announced in the order they're done or will be done. Some books are announced earlier in the process and others later. The King books we're publishing this year have been in the works for a LONG time before we announced them.
We used to have a couple of printers, but we only use one now because the others had some misfires we'd rather not repeat. But even if we still used all three, it wouldn't change the schedule. We can only handle so many new books in the warehouse at the same time and there's also the more general issue of balancing cash flow. Lots of things have to be paid for and printing the books is just one small part of our yearly expenses. We could get a lot more done if our employees would win the lottery and work for free. Also, it would help if there was a "tax holiday" for book publishers so we wouldn't be sending a big check to the IRS every quarter, but I don't see that happening any time soon.
When will you have the big update on Grave Tales? Soon maybe.
Still waiting on 4 of the artists to turn in their artwork, which is about three months overdue, but we will announce the details as soon as everything is in our hands!
So why are you at work? You should be resting cause it is going to be a super busy September. The 2 trivia books Dr. Sleep, Shivers 7. Plus you have to get things rolling on the new CDCC for the next year. Oh the pressure!!! the Pressure!!!