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[INDEXED]Island Funeral

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    [INDEXED]Island Funeral

    Story Notes about "Island Funeral" from It's For You published by White Noise Press:

    I keep a manila folder for every story I ever tried to write. Some folders contain only a scribbled idea on a scrap of paper; others are full of research, drafts, and correspondence. A lucky few even have a galley proof stuck in them. Island Funeral’s folder is the thickest of them all, and that’s because there are more than a half-dozen false starts, attempted over a span of about twelve years, stuffed into it. Different starting points, different viewpoints, even different protagonists. I would get Tim, or Tim and Sarah, or just Sarah, into Arthur’s driveway and it would just die, right there. I knew what the story was, and I knew where I wanted it to go. Getting there, though, was the bitch. After I sold the longish story “Up in the Boneyard” to the Shivers anthology series, I figured I might have a market for another long piece. I also finally saw that pudgy local artiste walking up Arthur’s drive unannounced, and I knew I had somebody to help me move the story along at last. So I got off my ass and finished the damn thing. The title comes from the name of a very touching egg tempera painting by the great American artist and illustrator N.C. Wyeth. The whole story reeks of Wyeths, actually.

    I've always viewed non-promotional chapbooks as outlets for stories that authors didn't get quite right. I certainly felt that way about "Blood-splattered and Politically Incorrect" (the title was the best thing about the chapbook). But "Tales Too Extreme for Cemetery Dance" and "Island Funeral" have changed my mind. I've read IF three times now and I know I'll be doing it again before too long.

    I mentioned it in another thread, but great job.
    "I'm a vegan. "

    ---Kirby Bliss Blanton , The Green Inferno (2013)


      I just finished this and am really glad I purchased it. This is now one of my favorite short stories. Fantastic final line too...just a solid story all around.


        I've just posted a review of Island Funeral over at October Country. I found it to be a wonderful story, and I'm glad I got a chance to read it.

        Visit my horror/crime fiction blog October Country.
        Stalk me on Twitter: @BluGilliand.


          Originally posted by Blu Gilliand View Post
          I've just posted a review of Island Funeral over at October Country. I found it to be a wonderful story, and I'm glad I got a chance to read it.

          Thank you for this review. I was wondering whether to spend my coupon on horror poetry or on a chapbook, and I'm glad I read your review.

          Of course, first I should read some of these other CD books I have...


            I immediately purchased Island Funeral when it was first announced. I'm not sure from where that compulsion originated, but I'm very glad that I secured a copy of this chapbook as it has become one of the most highly treasured titles in my current CD collection.
            "Do or do not. There is no try." - Yoda


              Thank you all for your kind words. I really appreciate it.


                I ordered this recently to round out a $29 promotion I was piling stuff up for. I'm not really sure what a chapbook is, but I ordered it based on the comments in this thread. I'm looking forward to it and maybe I will drop back in and let you know what I thought after I read it.


                  Any ideas on how amny are left till the title is sold out?


                    I thought this was a very good story and well written. I would read more from this kid.
                    "What shall I say when my lord comes a calling? What shall I say when he knocks on my door? What shall I say when his feet enter softly? Leaving the marks of his grave on my floor."

