I'm on about page 300 and I noticed on page 273 towards the bottom that a character is mentioned by the name of Fredericka Bimmel which was one of Buffalo Bill's victims in The Silence of the Lambs, weird huh?
Still didn't get my copy so I am downloading the epub now. Will be reading on my lunch only though as I am currently caught up with cooking, cleaning, studying to get my insurance licence and playing GTAV and five is currently being neglected a bit.
I am about 150 pages in so far and I am loving it. I have been so busy I haven't given the attention I would like, but every reading session is rewarding. I like the dark feeling early on. I'd been reading a lot of crime fiction, and stories with drug/alcohol abuse and Danny is a quite believable alky. I can't speak fo rthe rest of the novel, but some people had said it wasn't really much for horror. Spoiler** It starts with supernatural occurences and Danny sees dead women and children, often rotting. The generally dark feeling of the story centring around death and redeption so far is also fits the horror genre. We will see where it leads, I don't find horror needs to be particularly scary to be consider horror, it's more about themes. A lot of old ghost stories aren't scary in anyway.
Shamefully I have to admit that I read this book fast, sometimes late into the night while still having to wake at 4 in the a.m. for work. Overall, it was an enjoyable read but the date span at the end made question marks appear above my head in comment clouds. What am I missing?
" A room without books is like a body without a soul."
- Cicero