I've read so many suggestions about The Regulators and Desperation. Heard one is bad, one is great, also heard that they are completely different. They were released in the same year. Just curious which to read first and which one you prefer over the other. Also, do they really have any relation because the first editions have matching pictures on the front and back?
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The Regulators and Desperation
I enjoyed both of these books myself. I don't think it really matters which one you read first, but would say reading them back to back would be a good idea. The stories are different, but they involve the same characters, though they are not exactly the same in each book. Been a while since I read these, so couldn't really say much more than thatWARNING!!! WARNING!!! DO NOT VIEW THIS SPOILER! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!!
Spoiler!This is a testSpoiler!only a testSpoiler!SeriouslySpoiler!Ok, fineSpoiler!It's more than thatSpoiler!Or maybe it really is just a testSpoiler!to see how farSpoiler!you are willing to goSpoiler!to see what I say at the endSpoiler!of this very longSpoiler!and pointless signatureSpoiler!you must really want to knowSpoiler!what is so importantSpoiler!that I had toSpoiler!bury itSpoiler!in all these spoiler tagsSpoiler!Nosy little fucker, aren't you?
I read Desperation first. It doesn't really matter, but King writes with heart and Bachman is more of a heartless persona for King. It depends on which one you prefer.
I picked up both in the boxed gift set and Desperation was lined up first, but if you put the original DJs together to create one picture, The Regulators would come first..."I'm a vegan. "
---Kirby Bliss Blanton , The Green Inferno (2013)
Nothing to see here!Ok, I really can't come up with anymore of these stupid things...
- May 2011
- 8816
I would agree that it does not matter which you read first but reading them back to back is cool because you get to see the same characters in completely different stories. I prefer Desperation over The Regulators but enjoyed both books.
These books were definitely a writing experiment; and one that very few authors could ever get away with. You might try it as a writing exercise in class, but where else would you get paid tons of money to publish 2 large novels featuring the same group of characters in different high tension situations, and to be required to write in different styles. King pulled it off. I also enjoyed both books, but liked Desperation more."Dance until your feet hurt. Sing until your lungs hurt. Act until you're William Hurt." - Phil Dunphy ("Modern Family"), from Phil's-osophy.
I'd have to read these again to know which I'd prefer now, but I think I enjoyed The Regulators more because of it being in the Bachman persona and the types of books written under that nameWARNING!!! WARNING!!! DO NOT VIEW THIS SPOILER! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!!
Spoiler!This is a testSpoiler!only a testSpoiler!SeriouslySpoiler!Ok, fineSpoiler!It's more than thatSpoiler!Or maybe it really is just a testSpoiler!to see how farSpoiler!you are willing to goSpoiler!to see what I say at the endSpoiler!of this very longSpoiler!and pointless signatureSpoiler!you must really want to knowSpoiler!what is so importantSpoiler!that I had toSpoiler!bury itSpoiler!in all these spoiler tagsSpoiler!Nosy little fucker, aren't you?
Both books are wonderful entries into the King cannon. I originally read The Regulators first only because I figured on enjoying Desperation more. Which turned out to be true, so I'm glad I read them in that order, thereby savoring the overall better of the two. I've since re-read Desperation at least 2 or 3 mores times. Have yet to go back to The Regulators, though. But when I do, I'll read the two books back-to-back again because I had such an awesome reading experience doing that the first time around 15 years ago."Do or do not. There is no try." - Yoda
For me, Desperation is top-5 King, or possibly top 7 or 8. The Regulators is like bottom 2. The only reason it's not rock bottom is because there's always Gerald's Game to claim that spot. Desperation had a great story, great characters, suspense, horror, fast-paced action--everything you could want in a novel. The Regulators had, hmmm, let's see......none of that. Oh, sure, there was action. But it didn't make a lick of sense and the characters did nothing for me. Crapola.