Hey all! I apologize if this has been discussed somewhere else already, but being new to this forum(and cemetery dance itself) I may have missed it. As an avid, die hard, King fan(and it appears there are lots of us on here!
) I have eyed the HC edition of this book for awhile but have yet to take the plunge. I have the PB. Is there anything different with this version? Illustrations? Text? etc? I'm not a collector or dealer who has to have every edition of the same book(just as long as I have at least one of all of his! and so far I do!) but for some reason my mind keeps coming back to this. There are a few on ebay(speaking of which, in good condition what should a fair price be for this? If I do end up getting it I dont want to overpay). I need to either be talked in or out of buying this! lol. Thanks!
P.S. as a side note I am psyched to have been introduced to this site by a friend. What amazing editions of Kings books!! I am also THRILLED to see Bentley Little as he is a personal fave also. Even though I have IT, this upcoming edition is making me lick my chops.....IT is my all time favorite King book. It is GORGEOUS.

P.S. as a side note I am psyched to have been introduced to this site by a friend. What amazing editions of Kings books!! I am also THRILLED to see Bentley Little as he is a personal fave also. Even though I have IT, this upcoming edition is making me lick my chops.....IT is my all time favorite King book. It is GORGEOUS.