I'm sure everyone has read about this by now, but I think it's pretty cool that King has written a new novel called Holly. She's a fascinating character, and I'm glad she'll be featured in another adventure; I wonder if she will face another Outsider-type creature, or some completely new paranormal villain (I really could see an X-Files-type series centered around her investigating all sorts of things, maybe with J.J. Abrams producing). Not sure when it will release, but presumably next year, as we have Fairy Tale to look forward to - and I have to say, I am indeed looking forward to that one.
No announcement yet.
"Holly" novel
Originally posted by jeffingoff View PostHolly is a major reason I haven't cracked open The Outsider or If It Bleeds. She's less a character and more a caricature.
Nothing to see here!Ok, I really can't come up with anymore of these stupid things...
- May 2011
- 8816
I stand firmly in the camp that will read anything King choses to publish. I don't like everything he writes but I will be there to find out for myself. I would be totally fine if Holly Gibney faded away. King has stated in the past that he was interested in what in Holly's past made her who she is. If that is what he is doing here I expect that the Holly you meet in the story will bear little resemblance to the one you know. I would not expect King to write that she was an odd child with strange parents and she grew up odd. Rather, I would expect some horrific events that moved her development. With that said I think it has the potential to be a good story, especially in Kings hands. So, I am looking forward it but with guarded expectations.