Least favorite King novels:
5. Hearts in Atlantis--Too loosely structured to enjoy, kept losing interest--about 5 months to finish
4. Black House--narrator problems for the first 100 pages, then just too bizarre at the end.
3. Insomnia: Overwrought--there's a good story here, but it just got too convoluted--I accept King's explanation and apology.
2. The Wolves of the Calla: dull and uninspired (I like to imagine Fr. Callahahan pissed off that King resurrected him)
1. The Stand (Complete and Uncut): see post #2 in this thread. A downgrade from the original (which is one of my favorites)
Books still to read: Duma Key, Under the Dome, Dreamcatcher, Rose Madder (The Shining, The Stand (1978), Cujo, Lisey's Story, It--5 faves)

5. Hearts in Atlantis--Too loosely structured to enjoy, kept losing interest--about 5 months to finish
4. Black House--narrator problems for the first 100 pages, then just too bizarre at the end.
3. Insomnia: Overwrought--there's a good story here, but it just got too convoluted--I accept King's explanation and apology.
2. The Wolves of the Calla: dull and uninspired (I like to imagine Fr. Callahahan pissed off that King resurrected him)
1. The Stand (Complete and Uncut): see post #2 in this thread. A downgrade from the original (which is one of my favorites)
Books still to read: Duma Key, Under the Dome, Dreamcatcher, Rose Madder (The Shining, The Stand (1978), Cujo, Lisey's Story, It--5 faves)