Originally posted by srboone
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Stephen King Ranking Poll
No, you'll have to get it on the second hand market. Too bad, but I guess if both were available, it might reveal the revised version as inferior."I'm a vegan. "
---Kirby Bliss Blanton , The Green Inferno (2013)
lol, I still have to read my HC copy of the original version of The Stand. Never seen it in PB and only seen the HC a couple times at Half Price Books. I'm not one of the people who voted for it though (or anything else for that matter). I'm not even sure it would be in my top 5 anyway, though definitely close to it. Lisey's Story is one that will definitely make it into my top though, along with It and most likely The ShiningWARNING!!! WARNING!!! DO NOT VIEW THIS SPOILER! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!!
Spoiler!This is a testSpoiler!only a testSpoiler!SeriouslySpoiler!Ok, fineSpoiler!It's more than thatSpoiler!Or maybe it really is just a testSpoiler!to see how farSpoiler!you are willing to goSpoiler!to see what I say at the endSpoiler!of this very longSpoiler!and pointless signatureSpoiler!you must really want to knowSpoiler!what is so importantSpoiler!that I had toSpoiler!bury itSpoiler!in all these spoiler tagsSpoiler!Nosy little fucker, aren't you?
Originally posted by Hedda Gabler View PostWell, to take that a step further, I would guess that in everyone's top 5, the first book they read is there. Again, just a guess, but it seems like whatever a person reads of stephen's, it tends to hook them for life more often than not.
Originally posted by srboone View PostNo, you'll have to get it on the second hand market. Too bad, but I guess if both were available, it might reveal the revised version as inferior.
By the way, I haven't, nor will I, participate in the poll. It's just that my favorites vary almost from day-to-day, and I just can't rank them properly.
I voted The Stand, 'Salem's Lot, The Shining, Christine, and Wizard and Glass.
It was very hard leaving Night Shift, Different Seasons, and Desperation off the list, but no room!
The Stand (original) was the first King book I ever read and it was my all time favorite book. When I read the uncut version, it was still my all time favorite book (I consider "The Stand" to be one book, not two). I guess I should have cast my vote for both of them, but that would mean knocking another book off the list and I couldn't do that. My actual vote went to the uncut version b/c it was a bit richer and fleshed out, and it was the version King wanted in the first place. Plus, when I re-read it every year or so, that's the version I pick off the shelf.
Nothing to see here!Ok, I really can't come up with anymore of these stupid things...
- May 2011
- 8816
Have read both versions and I prefer the un-cut version. Both are good books but the un-cut as great!Originally posted by srboone View PostAnd I'm guessing that of those who voted for the revised version of The Stand, half have never read the original version and the other half are operating under the delusion that bigger is better!
Originally posted by divemaster View PostI voted The Stand, 'Salem's Lot, The Shining, Christine, and Wizard and Glass.
It was very hard leaving Night Shift, Different Seasons, and Desperation off the list, but no room!
The Stand (original) was the first King book I ever read and it was my all time favorite book. When I read the uncut version, it was still my all time favorite book (I consider "The Stand" to be one book, not two). I guess I should have cast my vote for both of them, but that would mean knocking another book off the list and I couldn't do that. My actual vote went to the uncut version b/c it was a bit richer and fleshed out, and it was the version King wanted in the first place. Plus, when I re-read it every year or so, that's the version I pick off the shelf.
Originally posted by Teriw View PostTechnically is not the original version king wanted since he changed the time, which is where he fucked up according to Squire. Maybe its still better I have no idea, just saying it not really his original book. Maybe had he kept it the way he REALLY intended it when he first wrote it, Squire wouldnt have hated it so much, and anyone else who agrees with him. Can't comment myself since I have only read the original. Does anyone know if theres an ebook of the original? If I ever get an original doubleday first or BCE I think i'd be terrified to read it because it might fall apart in my hands. lolCD Email: [email protected]
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There's a lot of good stuff in the new version, particulary with Frannie Goldsmith. But the majority of the new stuff is meandering and dull and was cut (if it was there at all) for a reason. Then there's the inconsitencies of the time periods that's the result of sloppy/rushed editing. And the scene with The Kid and Tom Cullen would have been unlike anything he'd written before and to have it cut in 1978 when bizarre acts of sexuality in popular fiction where coming into vogue seems..odd to say the least. Now the new ending may have been his original intended ending, but it detracts from the power of the original by cheapening the sacrifice made by Stu, Glen, Ralph and Larry.
Then there's something I just can't wrap my brain around. If this is the way he intended The Stand to be in 1978 and the new version is the version he wants to be remembered, then why, when he was writing Wizard & Glass 20 years later, did he have Roland and his ka-tet wind up in the aftermath of the events of The Stand in 1986, not 1996?
I have 3 theories:
1) The new version of The Stand is simply one of the many worlds in his multiverse, different from the first, thus a different novel.
2) As King explains in DT7, he often misinterprets the voice of Gan and the new version is his reassessment of The Stand after he understood where his ideas were coming from. Fair enough, then he can make millions of more dollars by reissuing W&G by simply changing the scenes in Topeka 1986 to Topeka 1996 and give all the proceeds to charity (or to the government since he wants to pay more taxes!) because collectors will line up to buy the new version! Since he hasn't done that, see theory #1.
3) He knows that his 1978 version is considered his (first) masterwork, but his others are all infected in some way with allusions and tie ins to the DT series. Now his most of his works must be read and discussed within (to a certain degree) within the framework of the DT series. So as far as his legacy goes he has his first 10-12 books, then the DT series and what follows. He now has it both ways, The Stand is part of both cannons, the DT series and his "unspoilt" books from his early years (which no matter how many later references he makes to an early work in the DT series orits tie-ins, or how many sequels he writes to tie in an early work to the series, those original novels can still be read as stand alones). Thus the two versions of The Stand are separate novels. It also tells me that he expects the original to be remembered 100 years after he's gone, not the new version.
Either way, the 1990 version of The Stand is on my bookshelf and will be taken down every so often to be dusted, but never read again. The original has been read 3 times and may be eligible for a 4th in a few years."I'm a vegan. "
---Kirby Bliss Blanton , The Green Inferno (2013)
I read it all as well, and was very well thought out, even if it did come off a bit conspiracy theoristy (yes i know that's not a word). Again though I can't argue one way or another as I haven't read either of them. Though I can say that The Stand was one of his earlier books and he may not have had nearly as much say with the publishers as he does now, so they may have told him that the book was too long which is why the parts that are in the uncut version where cut out. Just speculation though.CD Email: [email protected]
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