Originally posted by Xiabei
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What Do You Ask??
Originally posted by srboone View PostOuch! Do you ask him that before or after you stab with you No. 2 pencil?
With my bloodied, splintered pencil raised to the gods - leaving approximately half embedded in his right eye - I scream to the encompassing crowd, "The King is dead! Long live the King!" A wave of shock pulsates through their blank faces until his offspring, Joe, deftly empties his gun of 45's into what is technically classed as my heart.
Okay, Meds time again!
Originally posted by misery chastain loves co. View PostPicture it...you finally get to meet the man in person...you run into him in Bangor(aka Derry) Maine, or a book signing..or win the lottery and pay for some dang time with him! What is the first burning question you ask him?
(I apologize if this has been done already but hey, if so, I missed it so please answer again!)