I loves me series and this is a GREAT one.
THE TURTLE BOY (Necessary Evil Press)
THE TURTLE BOY: PEREGRINE'S TALE (CD Signature Series with art by Alan M Clark)
THE HIDES (Cemetery Dance)
VESSELS (Bloodletting Press)
. . . and the long awaited (soon to come) NEMESIS.
These books are definitely worth tracking down . . . of course, I hear there are these things called "eBooks"
Keep Smiling, Jan
THE TURTLE BOY (Necessary Evil Press)
THE TURTLE BOY: PEREGRINE'S TALE (CD Signature Series with art by Alan M Clark)
THE HIDES (Cemetery Dance)
VESSELS (Bloodletting Press)
. . . and the long awaited (soon to come) NEMESIS.
These books are definitely worth tracking down . . . of course, I hear there are these things called "eBooks"

Keep Smiling, Jan