Originally posted by srboone
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Hmmm...looks like moviegoers are flocking to The Fault in Our Stars.No accounting for good taste. I shouldn't say that, I haven't seen the film (nor do I plan to.)
But I did."I'm a vegan. "
---Kirby Bliss Blanton , The Green Inferno (2013)
^Hadn't even heard of it, but your review for Edge of Tomorrow sold me on it. Gonna try to get some buds together to check it out tomorrow. Love a well thought out complex sci-fi flick. Or the opposite works too, beautiful visually but little dialog. Which reminds me, I still need to see Gravity.
Originally posted by srboone View PostI love 'em! Great review.
Well I went to the 3D AVX theatre to check out Edge of Tomorrow last night. I'm not usually very interested in big budget sci-fi lite action flicks, or really Tom Cruise either. However I always seem to love Tom Cruise sci-fi flicks, and this was no exception. It was a perfect mix of action, comedy and drama. The story is not that complex, but it is interesting and well executed. One thing I really appreciated is that most unexplainable phenomena in the film is simply left unexplained. Which I think is much better than a pseudo science BS explanation. The pacing is excellent, which I imagine would be a huge challenge for a film where the same day is repeated over. Honestly Cruise's acting is a little wooden for most of the film, he seems at his best at the beginning when playing the scared ignorant officer, rather than the bad ass soldier. Emily Blunt's character is the more interesting and dynamic of the two, and she plays well opposite Cruise. The ending is fantastic in the sense that it wraps everything up, but at the same time leaves it open to a sequel, and not in an obvious cliche way.
So if you dig sci-fi flicks check this one out. Best I've seen since last years Pacific Rim, and even similar in some themes.Last edited by Theli; 06-10-2014, 12:42 AM.
watched the Blue Gardenia (1953), a Fritz Lang film, earlier today. As per usual it was top notch.
The story of the Blue Gardenia centres around a telephone operator, Norah Larkin (Anne Baxter), whom after receiving a troubling letter from her beau over seas in the Korean war, decides to go on an impromptu date with a suave philanthropist. A few drinks too many, and one thing leads to another, and low and behold she winds up at his loft, but he gets a little too pushy. She blacks out. He ends up dead. Racked with guilt and uncertainty Norah responds to a newspaper article asking for information about the murder. She contacts big shot news reporter, Casey Mayo (Richard Conte), and this is where the story begins to really take off.
Of course Anne Baxter and Richard Conte play aces opposite each other. I think the first I really realized who Richard Conte was, was a couple weeks ago while watching Call Northside 777, whose role in that film was very emotional and convincing. So I was glad to see him in this flick, and again he plays it perfectly. Anne is just beautiful, and her charming smile is infectious, but her ability to portray fear, guilt and confusion is what elevates her role in the Blue Gardenia above standard fare. The combination of two amazing leads, under a strict and masterful director, leads to some of the best performance from both of the pair.
While Fritz Lang was a mainstay in the crime and noir style of film, he rarely, if ever, made mystery films. Instead of the tension being caused by an unknown variable, Lang tends to show you his cards at the beginning. The only thing is that his stories and characters within tend to be like a house of cards, balancing precariously, ready to collapse. Because of this style of storytelling we get a different kind of tension. We know who is involved, and we know something bad is going to happen, but we don't always know what that "bad thing" is or what the outcome will be. Lang is unpredictable in that sense too, some of his films end in dark disasterous ways, others, like the Blue Gardenia end with a light at the end of the tunnel. His characters are almost always believable, never simple black & white, good and bad, but flawed characters. His understanding, at least to a degree, of psychology and human nature lends to Lang's capability to create amazing sympathetic characters. Which is a major reason he exceled at the noir genre. His criminals aren't always bad guys, in fact they are often enough the lead role of the film.
Also worth a note for crime fiction lovers is a little tribute to Mickey Spillane and his fictional private dick Mike Hammer. One of Norah's roomates is a fan of crime fiction and a dime novel title Mickey Mallet is shown on her nightstand.
Not surprisngly this was another masterpiece, by this flawless director. I haven't seen one flick of his I have not enjoyed. So if you dig film noir, or even just classic actors in a good drama, check this one out.
Another trip to the movies with my nephew...
How to Train Your Dragon 2: Vikings and dragons co-exist peacefully in the the kingdom of Burke (after the events of the first film, I suppose). Chief Stoick is looking to train his son Hiccup in the ways of the ruler, but Hic would rather go exploring with his Night Fury dragon, Toothless. However, when the mysterious Drago Bloodfist comes looking for more recruits for his dragon army, Hic must follow his own path in order to become the kind of ruler Burke needs.
I never saw the first film and, honestly, if it weren't for my nephew, I would have passed this movie up also. And I would have missed out on something really special. This movie is beautifully animated and has a story full of heart and humor. Add a well-done viking funeral and a shamlessly corny Gaelic courting ditty and you have a grandly entertaining movie. At times, it seemed too much--some scenes don't deliver the WOW factor they should (such as the flight of the many different species of dragons). For what it's worth, I liked this one a lot more than Frozen. The Imax 3D treatment was spectacular and worth the cash.
4/5Last edited by srboone; 06-30-2014, 11:02 AM."I'm a vegan. "
---Kirby Bliss Blanton , The Green Inferno (2013)
I haven't heard of Edge of Tomorrow or The Fault of Our stars but I will say 22 Jump Street was fantastic. I feel like alot of people would be too young to get some of the references(not to 21 jump street either but EVERYTHING ELSE) and I likely even missed a few myself but there were SO MANY FUNNY ONES! Some people hate this kind of comedy or hate Jonah Hill, if you do, then don't bother. It's a very stupid movie but I loved it! Also Godzilla was better than I expected but would have liked to see more Bryan Cranston. Saw the neighbors a while before this too and that was aweome! I am clearly a Judd Apatow and Gang fan so I am also awaiting The Interview which falls under "and gang". Also I miss Paul Rudd who has only been in one movie this year that I never even heard of and am downloading now..
I thought Edge of Tomorrow was OK - have not seen Fault in Our Stars, but my 15 yr old daughter really liked it (and the book too!). Probably one I'll wait until it comes on satellite. 22 Jump Street - I didn't really like the first one, and I used to watch the show back in the day. I like Tatum for the most part, and usually like Jonah Hill, but have no desire to see 22 Jump Street. And I like "silly" movies for the most part, especially ones with references to the '80s or '90s - hence I loved Hot Tub Time Machine! I do want to see Neighbours - looks very funny, and I like Seth Rogan.
Snowpiercer: After evironmentalists send the world into another ice age, the last remnants of humanity survive aboard a supertrain circumnavigating the frozen globe (Ayn Rand would be proud). But after 17 years, the denizens of the cramped back cars are seeking the better life of the front luxury cars. A thought-provoking, visually stunning and dramatically satisfying film that contains several great set pieces (a savage and bloody battle seen though night-vision goggles and a classroom lesson of unexpectly poignant porportions are highlights). Nicely developed characters with an outstanding performance by Tilda Swinton. The pacing seems a little off, but the oddball characters and head-spinning storyline keep things interesting all the way. The final shot brilliantly conveys the triumph and terror of emerging into a brave new world.
This film is currently in a limited release, so you won't find it at your local chain theater. I caught it at a small art house theater in the heart of KC. Harvey Weinstein bought the US distribution rights to the film and wanted to cut it by 20-minutes to make it more in line with the summer action extravaganzas put out by Hollywood, but director Joon-Ho held his ground and got his complete vision into theaters. Sort of. If the film does well enough, it'll go to the bigger markets, but that's not a certainty. Which would be too bad, because this film needs to be seen on the big screen. Frickin' Hollywood...
EDIT: Saw this movie again and liked it better. Upped my rating to 4.5/5
Movie will open theaters 11July. Will probably see it a third time (in a theater with a decent sound system).Last edited by srboone; 07-09-2014, 05:44 AM."I'm a vegan. "
---Kirby Bliss Blanton , The Green Inferno (2013)
Just a note: Monty Python's Live reunion show wil be broadcast live from London's O theatre into participating AMC theaters on Jul 20. There will be encore showings, but right now, the dates are...inconsistent. Fathom Events shows encore showings on 23&24Jul. My local theater is selling encore tickets for 27Jul. But at least the MP concert is being shown. Fathom Events got enough requests for the event that they put a package together.Last edited by srboone; 07-09-2014, 06:19 AM."I'm a vegan. "
---Kirby Bliss Blanton , The Green Inferno (2013)
Alarming things I learned from Rifftrax Live Sharknado:
- Tara Reid is still alive
- Sharknado currently has a score of 82% on Rotten Tomatoes (!)
- We would all be dead if it were not for springs
- Sharknado 2: The Second One is coming soon!
A very fun time at the movies tonight, cannot wait for Rifftrax Live Godzilla '98!