The Green Inferno: Having gotten over my cannibal film phase around 2002, I was hesitant to watch this film. There were only two people including myself at the showing (the other was a young lady who was excited to see the movie--she had been looking forward to seeing it for almost a year. I asked her if she'd seen any of the Italian cannibal films that inspired Roth to make this film and she said "Yes, most of them!" I suddenly didn't want to know which was her favorite.
Anyway, the Green Inferno is a grisly, nasty, mean-spirited film that doesn't have much "Mondo" vibe--that exploitative, pseudo-documentary feel. For the most part, it's beautifully photographed and well-acted. It doesn't really work as a satire of (or even homage to) Italian cannibal films, but it does work as a satire of the "Rock the Vote", "Occupy Wall Street" brain-dead-activism-to-be-cool set. Roth is definitely a man uncompromisingly true to his own vision and this film is probably his best (though I'd have to watch Cabin Fever again to be sure.) I must admit to bursting out laughing from an unexpected line that probably was meant to elicit a silent groan-chuckle. The mid-credit tag is disappointing as it takes an unsettling experience and turns it into a plea for a sequel.
For the strong of stomach only. Don't say you weren't warned.
You knew SOMEBODY eventually would admit to seeing it the theater.

Anyway, the Green Inferno is a grisly, nasty, mean-spirited film that doesn't have much "Mondo" vibe--that exploitative, pseudo-documentary feel. For the most part, it's beautifully photographed and well-acted. It doesn't really work as a satire of (or even homage to) Italian cannibal films, but it does work as a satire of the "Rock the Vote", "Occupy Wall Street" brain-dead-activism-to-be-cool set. Roth is definitely a man uncompromisingly true to his own vision and this film is probably his best (though I'd have to watch Cabin Fever again to be sure.) I must admit to bursting out laughing from an unexpected line that probably was meant to elicit a silent groan-chuckle. The mid-credit tag is disappointing as it takes an unsettling experience and turns it into a plea for a sequel.
For the strong of stomach only. Don't say you weren't warned.
You knew SOMEBODY eventually would admit to seeing it the theater.
