lol, it'a not getting into politics at all, trust me My theory actually doesn't involve any kind of government conspiracy or coverup or anything like that. More that people were somewhat about a key piece of information. Some of the theories made me laugh at how dumb they were, including one that was disproved by a picture the theory was using
If you are curious about my theory I can share it with you or anyone else. Like I said, it doesn't involve any conspiracy theories or politics in any way, shape, or form
That's cool, but it's still a topic to stay away from. You don't know who's out there googling for a hit like that.
I'm not sure I understand what you're getting at here. Feel free to send a pm explanation if you want. I know, no political discussions, but I don't get the "someone might Google it" comment.
lol, it'a not getting into politics at all, trust me My theory actually doesn't involve any kind of government conspiracy or coverup or anything like that. More that people were somewhat about a key piece of information. Some of the theories made me laugh at how dumb they were, including one that was disproved by a picture the theory was using
If you are curious about my theory I can share it with you or anyone else. Like I said, it doesn't involve any conspiracy theories or politics in any way, shape, or form
Dunno if I'll agree with it, but I'd love to hear your theory. If you feel it's not appropriate for the board, shoot me a PM.
The trees in my yard have no leaves on them, probably due to the fickleness of Old Man Winter this year. On Wednesday of last week, I notice that a robin had gathered materials to build a nest on the railing of my front porch. Well, I didn't want a nest on my porch so I brushed of the materials (leaving them in a pile so they could be relocated; an hour later they were back on my porch railing; I brushed them down on the ground again; an hour later, they were back up. So I brushed them off again and I laid towels over the railing so the robin could not do that again--and I came home to find that part of a towel had been peeled back and the materials were on the railing again! So I decided that the robin REALLy wanted to use that spot for her nest, so I stopped trying to disuade her.
Now I have a robin's nest on my front porch with an egg it in it! I did put our a small dish of water for it also.
We have a few Canada Goose nests on the road where I work. A few opens lots, and drainage ditches, etc.... Anyways..... there is a goose, that for 2 years in a row decided to make a nest about 5 feet from the road. Momma goose will actually attempt to chase cars if they go by too slow!
And no.....I am not going to humour yous all trying to take a picture.
You gotta watch out for those geese. The grounds at work are a major nesting area and this video was taken by my coworker outside one of the entrances at work. This was unprovoked behavior. Sorry for the poor quality, it was a cheap cell phone.