Here I am attempting to to read Don Quixote as an ebook. I've only made to chapter 13, but it's getting easier (I still can't concentrate for more than one chapter, tho).
Nice that you are giving e-books a try. I still like books better but I am getting used to it.
I think I have hit book buying overload for the time. I got the new cdcc email and for the first time in a long time I did not go oh!!!!! I must buy. It was almost to easy to pass up. That kind of scared me.
Just did a count of all the books that I have preordered and the count sits at 19. This doesn't include the ERC 7 or the collectors club books. Big year ahead. May run out of shelf space.
Just did a count of all the books that I have preordered and the count sits at 19. This doesn't include the ERC 7 or the collectors club books. Big year ahead. May run out of shelf space.
I use excel so it is not that difficult. I have to be careful when CD has a sale to make sure I do not buy something again. I have decided to buy something on a sale and then found I already have it on pre-order more than once.
I started tracking in excel in 2006. Happy to say I only have one that is old enough that I do not have the date ordered. That one is the limited edition of CD's 15 Year Celebration. The remainders all run from 12/12/2006 to current.
Good thing! I really wish I would have found CD years ago. I don't know how I didn't. The books they publish are right up my alley big time. I think it is probably due to the fact that I have really in the last 2 years or so started reading big time. Also, I have never seen any CD books at a local store either. How I came across idea, but am sure glad I did! That was only in October 2012.
I remember exactly how and when I found CD. Fall of 1998 I found the Anthology 999 at Borders, bought it without hesitation. I had recently begun making sure that the books I bought were first editions and when checking this book I saw a simple line that has cost me lots of money. It went something like 'This book has previously been issued in a signed limited edition by Cemetery Dance'. At the time I had never heard of limited edition books. I searched Cemetery Dance on that interwebby thing and have been spending since.
Good thing! I really wish I would have found CD years ago. I don't know how I didn't. The books they publish are right up my alley big time. I think it is probably due to the fact that I have really in the last 2 years or so started reading big time. Also, I have never seen any CD books at a local store either. How I came across idea, but am sure glad I did! That was only in October 2012.
I was starting to get back into collecting King's works (I had entered a ho-hum period about his stuff after 2000) and started searching for the books I had missed in early 2010 when I came across an add for Blockade Billy. It mentioned Cemetery Dance in the ad so I wnet to the site and got hooked!