Originally posted by adman75
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Random thoughts...
Originally posted by adman75 View Post
I have had nothing but positive experiences selling. The app is very intuitive and easy to use. It takes me less than a minute to post a book with photos and prices. Most info is auto-filled by scanning the barcode on your book. Shipping is a breeze as well. All the guess work is taken out. The Pango app will calculate the shipping for you so you don't need to worry. Once a book is sold, you will just print out a shipping label that will be in your account. Package your book, attach the label, and drop in your mailbox. Most times, I don't even have to go to the post office. I drop the book in my mailbox at the end of my driveway and it's gone. You can track the book in the app so you know when it reaches its destination. I bought a bulk order of bubble packages on Amazon so it take basically no time to get your orders ready to ship. Super easy. I've been selling for about 6 months now and I have sold over $500 worth of books. All mass market stuff that I just had around the house or in boxes. Highly recommended. I might try it with the hardcovers I want to get rid of. The paperbacks I usually just donate to the library book sale.
Originally posted by RonClinton View Post
I hope it works out. While it's only been a couple of days so I'm not too worried that books haven't shipped yet, I also haven't received a reply to a message I sent shortly afterward. A first order at a new (to me) site with a silent seller makes me a bit nervous. I'll give it a couple more days, see what happens.Last edited by RonClinton; 04-27-2024, 05:13 PM.Twitter: https://twitter.com/ron_clinton
Originally posted by sholloman81 View PostJust saw in Hunter's email that Robert McCammon has finished the last book in his Matthew Corbett series, Leviathan. I'm so excited for this and can't wait until Lividian announces the book!
Excited to read the finale, sad that it IS the finale. An amazing, amazing series.
Originally posted by sholloman81 View PostJust saw in Hunter's email that Robert McCammon has finished the last book in his Matthew Corbett series, Leviathan. I'm so excited for this and can't wait until Lividian announces the book!
Originally posted by Sock Monkey View Post
I guess I should give the series another shot, then, huh? I read Speaks the NIghtbird years ago and it was...fine. I think since I picked it up from the horror section at Borders (remember those?) and that it would be more in that genre rather than historical adventure fiction. I kept waiting for the horror to kick in, which never really happens, so I left rather disappointed. Maybe with a recalibration as to what the series actually is, I might enjoy it more.
I gave my mom the first few books in the series, and she couldn't get past SPEAKS...She was expecting Horror, not historical fiction.
That said, the first book is kind of an outlier, as far as content and storytelling. I loved SPEAKS, but the remainder of the series is very different, and each book is better than the last. Kind of a detective/mystery/thriller/suspense series with definite horrific undertones. I'll be really sad when the series ends. You could probably even skip SPEAKS, as it really has no bearing on the rest of the series.
Originally posted by dannyboy121070 View Post
I gave my mom the first few books in the series, and she couldn't get past SPEAKS...She was expecting Horror, not historical fiction.
That said, the first book is kind of an outlier, as far as content and storytelling. I loved SPEAKS, but the remainder of the series is very different, and each book is better than the last. Kind of a detective/mystery/thriller/suspense series with definite horrific undertones. I'll be really sad when the series ends. You could probably even skip SPEAKS, as it really has no bearing on the rest of the series.
Originally posted by Sock Monkey View Post
That's good to know. Maybe I'll track down the second book and give it a shot. I love McCammon's other work, so I feel like I'm somewhat missing out. I would also like to give Speaks another go, just because I don't think I gave it a fair shake the first time, but we'll see.
Originally posted by Chuggers View PostJust saw Joe Lansdale has a Lovecraftian anthology dropping in October,ÂÂ In The Mad Mountains. Extremely excited to see what he does with some of these ideas
Originally posted by Chuggers View PostJust saw Joe Lansdale has a Lovecraftian anthology dropping in October,ÂÂ In The Mad Mountains. Extremely excited to see what he does with some of these ideas
Has anyone bought from CD recently? I was thinking about emptying the last bit in my account to buy Voracious by Wrath James White and when I got to shipping Media Mail was not an option. Only FedEx or UPS for almost more than the book costs. It's a paperback so I'm not overly concerned. I didn't care for the envelope that carried my Bruises on a Butterfly to me, but I wasn't going to lose sleep over it either. I just don't think it's worth spending $15 to ship a $19 book . . .Â
Originally posted by jeffingoff View PostHas anyone bought from CD recently? I was thinking about emptying the last bit in my account to buy Voracious by Wrath James White and when I got to shipping Media Mail was not an option. Only FedEx or UPS for almost more than the book costs. It's a paperback so I'm not overly concerned. I didn't care for the envelope that carried my Bruises on a Butterfly to me, but I wasn't going to lose sleep over it either. I just don't think it's worth spending $15 to ship a $19 book . . .Â
Originally posted by Sock Monkey View Post
I just tried a few books individually (Shocklines, Voracious, and a Kristin Dearborn) and they all offered media mail for around $7-8. I'm not sure what the issue is, but I'd reach out to CD to see what they can do to fix it for you.