See, Pete, there's another one of those language problems. You said corn, I think the proper spelling is t-o-x-i-c w-a-s-t-e, please don't confuse the two. Breakfast would never be the same again. (You know I pick on Jersey cause I'm only two states away - thank God for that buffer zone lol)
I watched sleep walkers instead. I am going to read a bit now but try to save some for the wait in the Drs office tomorrow so I dont have to start another book before TWTTK gets here.
Yea but I am afraid to bring my book to work. lol. Might take some time to get through TWTTK that way...but then again with DT I may read it all before my 3 days off are over, assuming it comes monday or tuesday. I hear its not very long...for SK anyway
But a 3 day to a normal person is like two weeks for me. I'd have to get REALLY into the story to make me read at home instead of watching is just easier even though reading is better.
I had the same reservations you have, Teri, but it's different here. In W&G, Roland told stories that he felt he had to, this one is simply a fond memory of his childhoos that he tells cause they have time to kill. Roland (King) admits that when he started telling stories, he wasn't very good at it (W&G), but he feels he's gotten better at it (he has). I think you'll like it.