Originally posted by RonClinton
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What are you currently reading?
Originally posted by sholloman81 View Post
Ok, confession time, I've yet to read anything by Hendrix. How would you describe his stuff?
Originally posted by Sock Monkey View Post
Ron, what was the podcast you mentioned? I’m always looking for something to listen to on my rather long commute.Twitter: https://twitter.com/ron_clinton
Finished The Devil’s Pocketbook by Ross Jeffery.
An engaging and genuinely creepy first half that was marred by an increasingly ridiculously second half.
After TDP, started back on The King in Yellow by Robert Chambers.
Took another break from TKIY and started Alas, Babylon by Pat Frank this morning.
Thirty pages in and really enjoying it so far.
I started the last Robert McCammon Matthew Corbett book, LEVIATHAN, and I'm about 1/4 of the way through, and enjoying it so far. I question the need for a new pair of big bads, since the cast is already stocked with a few, and I always dislike when an author introduces new characters into the last chapter of a series, but...we'll see how it plays out. At least I'm feeling a little more hopeful that McCammon will wrap this all up in a satisfactory manner..I won't go as far as to say that I hated the last book (THE KING OF SHADOWS), but I will say that I hated every minute that the cast spent on that stupid island with its pointless inhabitants, I hated the amnesia subplot that we just saw in a different manner in the prior book, and I hated how much time was spent in flashbacks. If KING hadn't been part of such a stellar series of books, I would probably have left it unfinished. I was sad that McCammon was wrapping the series up, but after 700 pages of wheel-spinning, it seemed like he was just trying to fulfill a contract and had run out of ideas. Hoping LEVIATHAN is the proper sendoff that Matthew and company deserve.