Originally posted by bsaenz24
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Originally posted by TJCams View PostNo...not in grab bag. I somehow stumbled upon it on Amazon or AbeBooks and ordered it new from there. It looks like a wacky silly fun read - off the wall parody of Night of the Living Dead.
Decided my next read is Pork Pie Hat - Straub
Nothing to see here!Ok, I really can't come up with anymore of these stupid things...
- May 2011
- 8811
For me Straub covers a wide range. Some of his stories are puzzling, like Mr. X, some are strange but enjoyable, like The Buffalo Hunter and some are spectacular like Lost Boy, Lost Girl!Originally posted by TJCams View PostThe only other Straub book I read was If You Could See Me Now. It was a good read...had some kind of dry part, but overall I liked it a lot.
Finished Pork Pie Hat. It was a very quick read, as it is a short book. I thoroughly enjoyed it though. Being a shorter type book, it was a good lead in to the next few days before the holidays.
Next up is Night of the Assholes. I've been putting this one off for a while, but being another short one, I have decided to tackle it now.
I'm gonna chalk up the first hundred pages of Duma Key as "less than engrossing" to reading them in an environment less than condusive to reading enjoyment (a theater while waiting for The Hobbit to start), because the rest of the book was terrific; King doesn't disappoint with this one.
Of Men and Monsters by William Tenn is next."I'm a vegan. "
---Kirby Bliss Blanton , The Green Inferno (2013)
Nothing to see here!Ok, I really can't come up with anymore of these stupid things...
- May 2011
- 8811
I really enjoyed Duma Key. If I am remembering correctly it did start a little slow but was a good read.Originally posted by srboone View PostI'm gonna chalk up the first hundred pages of Duma Key as "less than engrossing" to reading them in an environment less than condusive to reading enjoyment (a theater while waiting for The Hobbit to start), because the rest of the book was terrific; King doesn't disappoint with this one.
Of Men and Monsters by William Tenn is next.
Originally posted by srboone View PostI'm gonna chalk up the first hundred pages of Duma Key as "less than engrossing" to reading them in an environment less than condusive to reading enjoyment (a theater while waiting for The Hobbit to start), because the rest of the book was terrific; King doesn't disappoint with this one.WARNING!!! WARNING!!! DO NOT VIEW THIS SPOILER! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!!
Spoiler!This is a testSpoiler!only a testSpoiler!SeriouslySpoiler!Ok, fineSpoiler!It's more than thatSpoiler!Or maybe it really is just a testSpoiler!to see how farSpoiler!you are willing to goSpoiler!to see what I say at the endSpoiler!of this very longSpoiler!and pointless signatureSpoiler!you must really want to knowSpoiler!what is so importantSpoiler!that I had toSpoiler!bury itSpoiler!in all these spoiler tagsSpoiler!Nosy little fucker, aren't you?
Of Men and Monsters is one terrific quick-read SF book. It's positioning of human beings as pests to be eradicated is at once pessimistic and enlightening; Tenn seems a bit mysoginistic at times, but it also rings true as a result of Man's decent into savagery. I wish the story lived up to his ideas, but he writes very well. Definitly an author to read more of--too bad that was the only one I found on my grandmother's shelves.
Still Lake by Sara Brooke is next."I'm a vegan. "
---Kirby Bliss Blanton , The Green Inferno (2013)
I agree. It took me a while but I once I got the hang of Campbell's work I fell in love with it. I think his best work is done in the short story form. I would consider Alone with the Horrors mandatory reading for all horror lovers.Originally posted by Xiabei View PostReading a Ramsey Campbell short story. He's not what I would call overly complicated or convoluted, but sometimes the way he writes makes me have to read sentences two or three times to figure out exactly what he's saying.