Only finished 2 books in March.
1. Screams From the Dark ed. by Ellen Datlow. One of the reasons I only finished two books in March was it took me about 3 weeks to get through this massive, and at times plodding, anthology of monster stories. I would say I probably enjoyed about a third of the stories, a third we’re OK, and a third I didn’t like at all. Not a great percentage for an anthology. Most of the stories seemed to be of a more fantastical nature, rather than horrific or monstrous. 2.8 / 5
2. The Pale Blue Eye by Louis Bayard. Some books are journey books and some books are destination books, and The Pale Blue Eye definitely falls into the latter category, as the last 20 pages completely turned this novel on it’s head (at least for me). Bayard seemed to direct the entire novel in one direction then completely pulled the rug out from underneath the reader’s feet. It was also interesting to see how he worked in factual aspects of EAP’s life into a fictional work. 5 / 5
1. Screams From the Dark ed. by Ellen Datlow. One of the reasons I only finished two books in March was it took me about 3 weeks to get through this massive, and at times plodding, anthology of monster stories. I would say I probably enjoyed about a third of the stories, a third we’re OK, and a third I didn’t like at all. Not a great percentage for an anthology. Most of the stories seemed to be of a more fantastical nature, rather than horrific or monstrous. 2.8 / 5
2. The Pale Blue Eye by Louis Bayard. Some books are journey books and some books are destination books, and The Pale Blue Eye definitely falls into the latter category, as the last 20 pages completely turned this novel on it’s head (at least for me). Bayard seemed to direct the entire novel in one direction then completely pulled the rug out from underneath the reader’s feet. It was also interesting to see how he worked in factual aspects of EAP’s life into a fictional work. 5 / 5