Hey TJ, thanks for your interest. Both are from the late 80's.
'Flesh Creepers' takes stories from the anthologies 'Masques' and 'Masques II', which were US small press editions. Not sure if it's all the stories or just a selection.
'Night Fears' is a reprint of 'Night Visions IV', which was originally from Dark Harvest press. UK publishers reprinted a few volumes from this series, under their own titles.
I was doing a bit of research on Robert Aickman the other day. I hadn't heard of him, but saw some of his books online. Seems like the kind of author I need to explore.
Aickman - you either love or hate, in my opinion. If you require answers to all the questions asked in a story, he's not for you. He's a bit like Ramsey Campbell - makes the ordinary seem weird and menacing, but Campbell is much more explicit with his use of the supernatural. Like Campbell, it's worth trying a few stories before giving up.
A great story to start with is 'The Inner Room'.