I bought a S/L copy of Shadow of the Wind (SubPress) today on eBay. Paid $125 for it (more than I wanted), but it is one of my all time favorite books, and the illustrations look beautiful.
Well worth it!!! I agree that it's an amazing read! I was somewhat disappointed with Angel's Game, but it also was a beautiful SubPress book and they're supposed to do Prisoner of Heaven at some point. I haven't read PoH yet. It's a good bit shorter than the first two books.
Don't feel bad about reading the gift edition, enjoy it instead! I plan on reading my gift edition sometime.Will never read my limited edition copy of it though, of course
One more recent purchase... Ender in Exile signed limited by Orson Scott Card. (I know this is a horror site, but I love OSC and collect his books.)
Nice add! I like OSC's books as well. The Worthing Saga is one of my favorites.I keep meaning to get to the Ender books, but I always get sidetracked. Ender's Game is great but I haven't read anything further.
I had the opportunity to go to the 49th Annual Friends of the San Francisco Library Big Book Sale this last weekend. I've been to numerous library book sales before, but never one this big. It was held at the Fort Mason Center Festival Pavilion and I was stunned at how many books there were. There were over 75 tables filled with books with boxes to dig through underneath. What was really nice was that they had everything organized by genre and a neat map to guide you to your interests. I knew I was with like-minded individuals when instead of bags to help cart around your books while you looked, they actually provided shopping carts! I was only there for a couple of hours on the one day, though the sale ran from Wednesday through Sunday from 10am-6pm. The prices weren't bad:$2 for paperbacks, $3 for hardcovers; on Sunday everything was a buck. Tons of fun and definitely worth the 3.5 hour drive to get there!
Most everything I picked up were paperbacks, though they did have a fair amount of hardcovers. They even had a small section for collectible books with a copy of Knowing Darkness for sale. I've never seen one in person before. That book is stinking huge!
Anyways below are some of the books I picked up. Mostly stuff I've been meaning to get for years but never seem to get around to! (Yes that includes The Gunslinger;I haven't read a single book in King's Dark Tower series).