Excited that Paul is doing a gift edition of the new book. If it’s 1984 though I will be skipping it. Never was a fan of it. I know that’s probably blasphemous but I just couldn’t get into it. I do love Animal Farm though
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Suntup Editions - All Books
Nothing to see here!Ok, I really can't come up with anymore of these stupid things...
- May 2011
- 8811
Originally posted by bookworm 1 View PostExcited that Paul is doing a gift edition of the new book. If it’s 1984 though I will be skipping it. Never was a fan of it. I know that’s probably blasphemous but I just couldn’t get into it. I do love Animal Farm though
I like to take the dust jacket of a book as I read it to avoid damage especially with the AGE of I Am Legend. So I finished the book today and noticed some cat/dog fur on the book. Thinking nothing of it, I rolled a lint roller on it to get the fur off and all was well. Until I went over the black ink where the title is printed. The lint roller took the black ink right off, ugh. Luckily the dust jacket is beautiful and I won't need to look at it, but I'll avoid lint rolling my books in the future lol.
Nothing to see here!Ok, I really can't come up with anymore of these stupid things...
- May 2011
- 8811
Originally posted by Jarhead View PostI like to take the dust jacket of a book as I read it to avoid damage especially with the AGE of I Am Legend. So I finished the book today and noticed some cat/dog fur on the book. Thinking nothing of it, I rolled a lint roller on it to get the fur off and all was well. Until I went over the black ink where the title is printed. The lint roller took the black ink right off, ugh. Luckily the dust jacket is beautiful and I won't need to look at it, but I'll avoid lint rolling my books in the future lol.
Originally posted by bookworm 1 View PostExcited that Paul is doing a gift edition of the new book. If it’s 1984 though I will be skipping it. Never was a fan of it. I know that’s probably blasphemous but I just couldn’t get into it. I do love Animal Farm though
It’s a pass for me. Sometimes I get as excited about publishers coming out with books I DON’T want as books that I DO, as it means my wallet can relax.Twitter: https://twitter.com/ron_clinton
I have read 1984 many times and don't understand how you could interpret that from the teaser. Maybe I'm dense, not in the know, or otherwise deficient.
Not trying to be a jerk but I just don't see it.
If it is 1984 I may be interested but, as I stated elsewhere, I wasn't blown away, by my IAL.
Originally posted by Brian861 View Post
Easy pass as well as it's most definitely 1984. I'll pick up an AGE as they are the best bang for the buck.Looking for the fonting of youth.
Originally posted by Ben Staad View PostI have read 1984 many times and don't understand how you could interpret that from the teaser. Maybe I'm dense, not in the know, or otherwise deficient.
Not trying to be a jerk but I just don't see it.
If it is 1984 I may be interested but, as I stated elsewhere, I wasn't blown away, by my IAL.
However, it also helps to remember Paul's previous hints about the book. He said the novel is 70 years old and is a dystopian masterpiece that is still relevant today. 1984 also fits both of those conditions.
Originally posted by Splync View Post
One of the most memorable things from 1984 is how "Big Brother is always watching", which is what is represented from the teaser.
However, it also helps to remember Paul's previous hints about the book. He said the novel is 70 years old and is a dystopian masterpiece that is still relevant today. 1984 also fits both of those conditions.
Originally posted by RonClinton View PostIt’s a pass for me. Sometimes I get as excited about publishers coming out with books I DON’T want as books that I DO, as it means my wallet can relax.
Speculation that Hill could be a signer on this one but the asking price will be a factor for me this time. My collecting ways are in Covid mode.
Originally posted by RonClinton View PostIt’s a pass for me. Sometimes I get as excited about publishers coming out with books I DON’T want as books that I DO, as it means my wallet can relax.
Originally posted by Brian861 View Post
Me too, Ron. Especially when it comes to Suntup because those puppies aren't gonna be cheap. I'll always be down for the AGE's whether I like the book or not though. Just that crazy collector thing.
Speculation that Hill could be a signer on this one but the asking price will be a factor for me this time. My collecting ways are in Covid mode.
Paul's clarification that "if King were to sign a non-King book the rights would follow the non-King series" seemed a little too coy...
And he said that he'd been working on this one for over a year. Maybe he had managed to convince King to do it over that time?
I won't be disappointed either way, but it would be way too cool if it was King.