Originally posted by jeffingoff
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Little Book Series 3
The new slipcase arrived today. It appears that everything is spelled correctly on it.
EDIT: I spoke too soon. I just noticed that the first title is wrong. It should say A "LITTLE" Purple Book of Phantasies.
BP CASE.jpgLast edited by Marmaduke Grigsby; 07-13-2020, 09:45 PM.
A typo on the slipcase?! The name of the book? Wow, that’s truly disappointing to see, to put it kindly.Last edited by RonClinton; 07-13-2020, 10:40 PM.Twitter: https://twitter.com/ron_clinton
Nothing to see here!Ok, I really can't come up with anymore of these stupid things...
- May 2011
- 8813
Originally posted by Marmaduke Grigsby View PostThe new slipcase arrived today. It appears that everything is spelled correctly on it.
EDIT: I spoke too soon. I just noticed that the first title is wrong. It should say A "LITTLE" Purple Book of Phantasies.
Originally posted by Martin View Post
It gets better. The Little Green Book flat out has the wrong title on the case. I got mine today and somehow felt messing up the book titles on the case fits with the general theme of the set.
Good lord. It’s almost hard to believe this kind of care-free sloppiness comes from the same outfit that gave us the early and (as memory serves) very nice Borderlands anthology limited HC volumes.
I’m finishing up this set — my third of all three thus far done — and then I think I’m out if they continue for a fourth. It’s become so chronic now that it’s gone from disappointing to, as Martin suggests, so absurdist and comical that you just have to laugh. But, man, I’ve got many other, better ways to spend my money if I’m just looking for grins and chuckles.Twitter: https://twitter.com/ron_clinton
Originally posted by bookworm 1 View PostI’m so glad I didn’t hop on this series. How can they feel good about letting so many errors through? Seems there was a rush to get these published for what reason? If I had been buying these right along I wouldn’t be laughing at the absurdity of the situation I would be livid.
I don't like to be negative. I don't like to dog pile on someone for honest mistakes. I also know that these aren't the world's most expensive limited editions. But the multiple issues that has littered both Series II and Series III is disheartening and at this point feels careless.
Frankly, I've been thinking about bowing out since the Campbell limitation page issue. While Borderlands has the right to change the limitations of each individual title as they see fit, the limitation page should accurately reflect how many numbered (or lettered) copies of each title there were. It's a simple thing, but it the belief that these pages are accurate are what collectors rely on. The fact that a book was printed with two different limitations notated on that page doesn't sit well with me. At the very least there should have been an errata sheet included with all copies.
At this point, even though I've been collecting since the start of Series II, I'm bowing out. I'm also canceling my preorder for the two-volume Straub set coming out this year. I hold no ill will towards anyone involved, but I'd rather shift this money towards something else.
Well-considered and well put, SM. The combination of both absolute carelessness in production and the deliberate midstream, inconsistent alteration of the series limitation makes this a disappointing development in the third (and, for me, final) set. If feels like they’ve ceased to care about the product, and ultimately so have I.Twitter: https://twitter.com/ron_clinton