Sure, I’ll jump on this! Anybody else?
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Originally posted by Sock Monkey View PostSure, I’ll jump on this! Anybody else?
Originally posted by rlgoodin View PostHi I'm still a newbie here and so far haven't had much luck when it comes to keeping tabs on things I've orderd. Couple of questions if anyone can help me;
1. I ordered The Stand special Cemetery edition book and I've been looking all over the site and the forums with no signs of any updates on production or ideas when I might expect it to ship. I am concerned as I've had at least one thing which was shipped and never arrived until I had it reshipped, so I want to ensure I am watching when to look for this book.
2. When we sign up for the collectors club, were we supposed to have something sent to us such as a shirt or coffee mug or something? I saw someone post about this and I've never received anything, so again just feeling like maybe I'm missing something I should be following up on. It's not very clear if this is a regular thing or was just something sent to members in the past.
Thanks for any light which can be shed on these items, appreciate it!
As far as The Stand goes, there aren't really any updates on that, which is why you haven't found any. We're only producing the books in The Doubleday Years series one at a time and currently the book we're working on is Night Shift, so we won't have any updates on The Stand until after that. All sales for the stand have just been super early sales and it hasn't even been offered for sale publicly yet. I believe only to people who purchased Night Shift, maybe the CDCC, and at the very start of the Double Day Years we offered a up front buy them all at once bundle.
As far as the bonus items go, we sold the current CDCC, which I believe is CDCC 8 at a lower price without any of those bonus items, because of a lack of interest in them and the amount of time it was taking to get the bonus items produced. For example we only just shipped the bonus items for the CDCC 7 last month, as it took that long to find somewhere to get the sweatshirts made for a reasonable price.
The major benefit of the CDCC are the early announcements and the exclusive offers. We've actually completely sold out of at least 2 books in the past year or so entirely by offering them to the CDCC. We've also offered many grab bags and other publisher's books that sold out entirely to the CDCC as well.CD Email: [email protected]
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Originally posted by jeffingoff View PostI jumped as soon as I could. I was in Virginia in back to back to back to back to back meetings when the email came through and then I was in the air flying home and once I was home and on my laptop I feverishly bought a copy because I like to panic for no reason.
Anyone order the print we offered last week? I'm curious what anyone who got it thinks of it. We got one in the office like 2 weeks ago to make sure we liked the product before we offered it and we really liked it. It's a pretty niche thing, since unlike a conventional art print, you really need to have a place in mind to hang this if you bought it. I'd post a picture of the finished product, but I sent the one we had on to the artist yesterday and forgot to snap a picture.CD Email: [email protected]
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Originally posted by Dan Hocker View PostAnyone order the print we offered last week? I'm curious what anyone who got it thinks of it. We got one in the office like 2 weeks ago to make sure we liked the product before we offered it and we really liked it. It's a pretty niche thing, since unlike a conventional art print, you really need to have a place in mind to hang this if you bought it. I'd post a picture of the finished product, but I sent the one we had on to the artist yesterday and forgot to snap a picture.
Originally posted by Dan Hocker View PostAnyone order the print we offered last week? I'm curious what anyone who got it thinks of it. We got one in the office like 2 weeks ago to make sure we liked the product before we offered it and we really liked it. It's a pretty niche thing, since unlike a conventional art print, you really need to have a place in mind to hang this if you bought it. I'd post a picture of the finished product, but I sent the one we had on to the artist yesterday and forgot to snap a picture.I have no idea what's stashed away at this point.
Yea we didn't really sell very many, but that was completely expected given the nature of the item. We went with the art from The Passage, because it felt like a piece people might actually want to hang. What kind of items like this would you guys like to see us try next? We where thinking about maybe a new CD coffee mug. It'll probably be a little bit though, want to give it some time to breath and not overwhelm people with this stuff.CD Email: [email protected]
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Originally posted by Dan Hocker View PostYea we didn't really sell very many, but that was completely expected given the nature of the item. We went with the art from The Passage, because it felt like a piece people might actually want to hang. What kind of items like this would you guys like to see us try next? We where thinking about maybe a new CD coffee mug. It'll probably be a little bit though, want to give it some time to breath and not overwhelm people with this stuff.
Originally posted by bookworm 1 View PostA coffee mug sounds good. Maybe with another piece of art like the first one. T-shirts and hoodies with the CD logo and horror related art on it would be cool. Just a few ideas. Also if the passage art was on an affordable tote bag that would be cool or tote bags with any art work.
Originally posted by Dave1442397 View PostI did not. As you said, you really need a place to hang these prints, and I really don't have a good place for them. In fact, all the other prints I've gotten over the years are still in their shipping tubesI have no idea what's stashed away at this point.
Originally posted by Brian861 View PostI agree. A large coffee mug would be cool to have on the shelf if you aren't a coffee drinker such as myself. I think a good sized tote would be cool also. Some original CD related art for the mug and tote would be cool. Maybe even solicit some fan art for these items.
Not sure we can do anything larger than a normal sized coffee mug through the service we've been using, but I'll look into it. It's mostly apparel, with some art type stuff (posters, tapestries, flags) thrown in. They do have coffee mugs, stickers, and tote bags though. Maybe we'll set a couple of things up to be available on a permanent basis, instead of limited availability.CD Email: [email protected]
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